Sunday, November 22, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Hair Salon Swot Analysis
After the summer break lasted until in the late autumn you need to pick up the thread of conversation started last year.
's still more necessary for the appearance of the bill feared the Gelmini-Tremonti reform, which, given the cut in funding for research, university top-prefigures, undemocratic and corporatization, and outlines a gloomy fate for outside workers in research and teaching increasingly outsourced and precarious.
The meeting is called for Wednesday, November 4 at 18:00 SNUR in Independence Square, 8
Come along, it is our future, and spread the appeal of the meeting.
Coordination teachers Unifi precarious
Did Anyone Have Creamy White Discharge 4dpo
Take the word, raise
appeal for a national assembly in Rome "La Sapienza" Friday, November 20
The Design University of reform law, recently approved by the Council of Ministers (28.10), requires us to speak again. It 's been a year, in fact, from that extraordinary movement which hacongelato any idea of \u200b\u200bcomprehensive reform of the university, invading places all over Italy. A movement, that of the wave, which HASAP reinvent the conflict in a country eprivo pierced right to object. A movement that started in the universities, èdilagato in schools and has also involved us, casual research, already actors in the fight against the bill in the fall del2005 Moratti.
The force of the wave has largely stopped the initiative of the government (remember that following the approval of the school on the Dl 137 -29 October 2008, had promised the Gelmini decree stays and the law ' universities), but failed to obtain the annulment deitagli financial training, massively introduced dallaLegge 133 (€ 8 billion less for schools, dieuro 1.5 billion for the university). Today, in the midst of an autumn always piùcarico unemployment and precariousness, undoubtedly still debolesul floor of the conflict, the government has taken the offensive.
The bill affects the public university to death, aparte reorganizing the insistence of the cuts. If the party on allagovernance university anticipates streamlined (by number of faculty), prived Democracy (reduction and discharge the responsibilities of organicollegiali) and corporatization (open to private diamministrazione Council), the second, which empowers the government to riordinodel right to study according to the rhetoric of merit, introduces The funding of honor for the students by requiring the formula debitoindividuale in lieu of common rights.
But the third part is what concerns us most. First luogoviene abolished the third category of teaching, the researchers atempo perpetuity. Only contracts for those who do research and then, after six years and one rating, all elbowing for the few postid associate professor, known in local competitions and "merit" but in fact deeply opaque, whose criterirestano essentially unchanged from current ones. Ingenerale, this changes everything for DDL not change anything. For a versonessuna of the proposals in recent years by vieneassunta precarious, and remains the jungle-term contracts that caratterizzanol'università attuale (gli assegni di ricerca, le borse di studio, icontratti di docenza e altro), con la ratificazione dei contratti didocenza GRATUITI. Per un altro verso si riduce lo spazio per laricerca e si consolida la tendenza alla liceizzazione dell'universitàpubblica, in cui il compito prevalente delle figure “stabili” sarà ladidattica. La riforma promette solo tagli e non è previsto alcunincremento di fondi: non si capisce quindi con quali soldi si potrannoassumere i ricercatori a tempo determinato, il cui costo è superiore aquello degli attuali associati. Il tetto alla spesa per il personaleconfermato nel disegno di legge e i tagli pesantissimi della legge 133che già oggi stanno producendo migliaia di licenziamenti non farannoche aggravarsi. Le campagne stampa che parlano di abolizione delprecariato sono chiaramente demagogiche: questa riforma il precariatodella ricerca lo moltiplica all'infinito.
È chiaro dunque che se questo DDL venisse approvato dalle Camere sidefinirebbe un punto di non ritorno, meglio, la dismissionedell'università pubblica che abbiamo conosciuto fino ad adesso.Un'università, intendiamoci bene, che non ci siamo mai sognati didifendere e che abbiamo con forza e passione criticato, a partire dalnostro ruolo. Oggi è necessario, però, riprendere la critica dei taglie del DDL che ne è diretta espressione. Pretendere di finanziarequesta riforma con i soldi dello scudo tax is nonsense. Not puòvincolare the Italian university to find creativadel finance minister Tremonti economy. The fact remains that in Italy Sispe less than 1% of GDP in research, and this reform will not increase prevedealcun.
For this reason we believe the time to take back the word, perconfrontare analysis and proposals, but also for ridefinireuna platform and an agenda of shared struggles. An agenda that does not Silim to take participation in the union deadlines already enchanted, but rather that face the same opportunities perrilanciare a movement and a political campaign and Alung much broader term that relates to the university and research, but that leghianche the struggles of students and the school and begin a new claim aimmaginare and Welfare.
Starting from this premise and believe that our parolerispondano to a widespread need to convene on Friday 20novembre, at 14 at the national assembly with Wisdom ilseguente agenda:
1. Analysis of Ddl2. Platform of rivendicazioni3. Calendar of national and local mobilizations
With this appeal we consider essential to involve nellapartecipazione and debate students and temporary workers in the school.
Precarious Laboratories - Network of PhD students and researchers in Rome precarious delleUniversità http://laboratoriprecari.blogspot.com
Precarious National Coordination of Research-FLC CGIL
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