Saturday, September 18, 2010

Prestige Cooker Safety Valve

school strike on 8 October 2010. Left Ecology Freedom: "Present!"

Left Ecology Freedom adheres to the national demonstration called for the Oct. 8, the CGIL and the Network of Students, protesting against the reform Gelmini.

While the Berlusconi government generously funds the private school, including the "valley" opened by the wife of Bossi ( € 800,000 in two years ), the public schools is scrapped and Italy is last in Europe for the resources allocated to training and research.

Government wants us to believe that the reform will help to ensure the merit Gelmini and increase the quality and knowledge.

How many lies and falsehoods.

How do you think that cutting the funding and resources (-9.5 billion in 3 years ), the best school?

equation is absurd that, thanks to government propaganda, is passed for reality.

cuts have lead to systematic fewer hours of lessons will increase dramatically the number of students per class will be canceled routes experimental and support, you will cut several hours of laboratory will be sacrificed in many disciplines.

In primary schools the whole time becomes a fairy tale: denied to many people, reduced to the old after-school care for others.

there are those who hide behind the economic crisis to justify these cuts.

to remind them that the future of our children and future generations is worth the purchase of 131 cacciabombardieri ( 13 miliardi ), del salvataggio Alitalia ( 3miliardi ), dei 4.542 dipendenti di Palazzo Chigi ( 1miliardo ), del non-edificato ponte sullo stretto ( 8miliardi ).

Potremmo continuare parlando anche della colossale evasione fiscale ( 120miliardi l’anno ), delle auto blu, delle Province non abolite, dei maxi-stipendi dei politici.

Un Ministro assennato avrebbe perciò potuto reperire i fondi da questi sprechi, piuttosto che sciacallare su scuola e ricerca.

La riforma Gelmini non è altro perciò che una truffa ed una beffa.

Contro i bambini e contro i ragazzi che impareranno meno e peggio.

Contro gli insegnanti, i meno pagati d’Europa, che, con sempre meno risorse a disposizione, hanno il ruolo fondamentale di preparare e formare i giovani.

Concludiamo dicendo che un’inadeguata preparazione penalizzerà i nostri giovani nel mondo del lavoro e ci obbligherà to live in a country where poor people like Renzo Bossi leadership roles.

not invest in young people today and in research will undermine the future of our country, is to have limited prospects of development and technological innovation in industry, is to have doctors, administrators, professionals incompetent (at our risk and danger), it means losing competitiveness in science, technology and culture.

David Vittorelli

Left Ecology Freedom of Vicenza

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Acronis Was Interrupted

Nichi: Why join SEL

What Does A Quarter Point Mean?

A Bersani say that ...

build a vocabulary that could put words together key to the future : that is a coalition, an alliance, that is the beginning of change.

must be clear to all that change and the construction of a new horizon for the Italian company are operations that can not and must not be closed at the end of the palaces and secretariats.

The new coalition has to intercept the lives and stories of people, so it is necessary to mention the South of Italy, it is necessary to mention the school's temporary and the crisis of Italian society, which is the mirror of the crisis of training institutions.

E 'need to talk about the crisis of labor and the competitiveness of the Italian system.

also speak of the difficulty for people with disabilities to be assisted, the toil of women that are a barrier to cultural, social and even architectural giant to enter the labor market.

Parliamo delle giovani generazioni condannate a non trovare mai lavoro.

Parliamo del dissesto idrogeologico di tutto il Paese, dell’erosione della costa e della urgenza di custodire il territorio.

Parliamo della necessità di portare più modernità e libertà in Italia.

Queste parole portiamole poi in un cantiere.

Lì costruiremo l’alternativa.

Nichi Vendola

spokesman Left Ecology Freedom

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Phosphate Buffer Ph Calc

Enlargement of the majority in Vicenza

LEFT ECOLOGY AND FREEDOM '(SEL) is not part of the majority that rules our town, nor sits in the City Council, even if we Variati voted for the ballot.
For this reason the decision of the Mayor Variati to widen majority in UDC and Commitment to 360 ° does not weigh on our political action.
Variati understand the project aimed at broadening its base of support regardless of party affiliations.
With the ongoing civil war in the Party of Freedom and the ongoing displacement of the center-left parties at all levels, it is not easy to design the city government over the medium term.
SEL is convinced that the current Italian political system is a dead man walking.
We are experiencing a slow death that someone has hastily called Second Republic, but in reality it is the poor tail of the First.
same defect, these robberies, the same lack of sense of State and the institutions in favor of family clans .
Meanwhile, Italy plunged into an economic crisis, social and material heavier. SEL is a final overcoming of the existing parties and power systems.
should turn the page, we want new political actors, able to break old patterns and revenue.
People to be given a chance because not involved in the twilight of the old positions of power. The process will not be short, this is a stage when SEL will work only on specific projects and administration of government that may be of some use to the community.
This will be our approach with the Mayor changed.
Comparison and agreement on what to do and which are then carried out.
Under the same slow pace, the activities of sheep and Cicero that Variati decided to involve the city government.

Tomaso Rebesani
coordinator SEL Vicenza

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pneumonia Time Off Work

The Alchemist Variati

It was in 1993, in full season of " tangentopoli " when a younger Variati - at the time Mayor Democrat - started an inclusion policy almost unprecedented: the right to cut ties with the party (which was maneuvering for joy) and enlarge the council to Verdi and PCI, previously established the foundation for the political experience of the "Progressives" and then the Olive Tree.

"mutatis mutandis", the substance of things is therefore comparable to entry in Committee of sheep and the assignment of powers to the heavy Adviser Cicero?

With an eye to national events and trying to coagulate an anti-PDL (which runs from Rifondazione UDC), the answer may be beneficial, but in my view, there are differences and I n 'is at least one of the fundamental.

Negli anni '90 Variati ebbe l'intuizione, per quanto obbligata, di affidare responsabilità di governo, non tanto ai partiti della sinistra, quanto ad una parte della comunità vicentina da sempre relegata all'opposizione, ma che proprio in quegli anni, esprimeva un grande fermento politico e culturale.

dal tradizionale radicamento del PCI, al messaggio innovativo e trasversale dei Verdi, fino all'impegno sociale e testimoniale della RETE.

La società italiana, delusa dai partiti tradizionali, era invece attratta dalla politica e ambiva ad un nuovo protagonismo, chiedendo più spazi di partecipazione.

Il merito di Was varied in the courage to accept the challenge, creating a laboratory that paid off for about a decade.

what we see today is more like an alchemical formula, mixing different elements, some apparently incompatible (as in the case of Cicero) in a single electoral cartel.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe city is still nebulous, but focusing on the inconsistency of the parties and his personal charisma, varied hopes to win back the game, playing the card of flexibility and "civic project", ignoring the identity too marked.

If he was right we'll know only between two and a half.

For me, I keep thinking that does not serve to defeat the right camouflage, but it is important to be credible and real alternative.

The victory of the center of the latest elections, it was doubtless propitiated by the opponents' mistakes and the vulnerability of their candidate for mayor, but how can we forget the desire for change expressed by the people of Vicenza and the desire to participate, after a decade of frustration and controversial decisions?

If we want to give new impetus to administrative action that is where we must start :

by new forme di partecipazione democratica, sostenibilità ambientale e tutela del territorio, politiche sociali attente alle odierne povertà e inclusive dei lavoratori migranti, più spazi pubblici e meno cementificazione, edilizia popolare e non speculativa.

La sinistra ambientalista, pur non condividendo alcuna responsabilità nell'attuale governo cittadino, avverte appieno i rischi di un suo eventuale insuccesso.

Per questa ragione, si riserva di valutare di volta in volta e nella massima libertà, le proposte che proverranno dalla Giunta, ma nel contempo, intende sottoporre a breve, al Sindaco e alle altre forze del centrosinistra, una serie of political projects that can qualify and make more effective business administration.

Cyrus Aspros

Left Ecology Freedom of Vicenza