While the Berlusconi government generously funds the private school, including the "valley" opened by the wife of Bossi ( € 800,000 in two years ), the public schools is scrapped and Italy is last in Europe for the resources allocated to training and research.
Government wants us to believe that the reform will help to ensure the merit Gelmini and increase the quality and knowledge.
How many lies and falsehoods.
How do you think that cutting the funding and resources (-9.5 billion in 3 years ), the best school?
equation is absurd that, thanks to government propaganda, is passed for reality.
cuts have lead to systematic fewer hours of lessons will increase dramatically the number of students per class will be canceled routes experimental and support, you will cut several hours of laboratory will be sacrificed in many disciplines.
In primary schools the whole time becomes a fairy tale: denied to many people, reduced to the old after-school care for others.
there are those who hide behind the economic crisis to justify these cuts.
to remind them that the future of our children and future generations is worth the purchase of 131 cacciabombardieri ( 13 miliardi ), del salvataggio Alitalia ( 3miliardi ), dei 4.542 dipendenti di Palazzo Chigi ( 1miliardo ), del non-edificato ponte sullo stretto ( 8miliardi ).
Potremmo continuare parlando anche della colossale evasione fiscale ( 120miliardi l’anno ), delle auto blu, delle Province non abolite, dei maxi-stipendi dei politici.
Un Ministro assennato avrebbe perciò potuto reperire i fondi da questi sprechi, piuttosto che sciacallare su scuola e ricerca.
La riforma Gelmini non è altro perciò che una truffa ed una beffa.
Contro i bambini e contro i ragazzi che impareranno meno e peggio.
Contro gli insegnanti, i meno pagati d’Europa, che, con sempre meno risorse a disposizione, hanno il ruolo fondamentale di preparare e formare i giovani.
Concludiamo dicendo che un’inadeguata preparazione penalizzerà i nostri giovani nel mondo del lavoro e ci obbligherà to live in a country where poor people like Renzo Bossi leadership roles.
not invest in young people today and in research will undermine the future of our country, is to have limited prospects of development and technological innovation in industry, is to have doctors, administrators, professionals incompetent (at our risk and danger), it means losing competitiveness in science, technology and culture.
David Vittorelli
Left Ecology Freedom of Vicenza