Hon. Mariastella GELMINI
Minister of Education, University and Research
Subject: the precariousness of the teaching and research at the University
for many months, as provided by Decree 180, enacted into law Jan. 9, 2009, the country waits in vain for the implementation decree of establishing criteria for evaluation of qualifications and publications in research competitions. A decree that promises greater transparency in the conduct of competitions and that would allow both the release competitions already banned from universities and the opening of the second and third tranches of recruiting extraordinary.
If the situation of Italian universities at this time is critical, it is especially for that segment of the scholars who do not yet have a permanent working relationship with universities and that, however, with dedication, skill and sacrifice, many years ago that research through which Italy continues to be at international summits.
For many years now, in fact, nearly half of staff engaged full time in research and teaching in the universities is recruited parasubordinated contracts (research grants, CoCoCo ...) and scholarships, most of whom lack the most basic social protection and welfare. The high professionalism of researchers and teachers is demonstrated by the temporary baggage of many experiences in the field and publications, contributing directly to the prestige of Italian universities. As almost half of university courses is supported by that permanent staff, whose work allows the universities to achieve a good relationship between teachers and students, who held Italy to European levels.
Purtroppo, la sovrapposizione di diverse riforme, che non sono mai state rese completamente operative, ha generato una situazione di devastante stallo generale e, in particolare, una sostanziale e gravissima sospensione del reclutamento, cioè dei concorsi a ricercatore banditi a livello nazionale. Grazie ad alcune indagini, si stima infatti che nelle Università italiane vi siano circa 50.000 precari impegnati a tempo pieno nella ricerca e docenza (Fonti dei dati: CRUI e MIUR del 2006 su 33 Università censite, MIUR del 2008 più autocensimento nel 2008). I dati rilevati in questi casi, sebbene parziali, evidenziano inoltre una crescita cospicua e costante del precariato nei ruoli di docente e ricercatore universitario. Se guardata dal punto di vista dello Stato, questa circostanza non permette di utilizzare al meglio quelle risorse umane per la cui formazione e qualificazione sono stati spesi centinaia di milioni di euro. Ora più che mai il fenomeno dei cosiddetti ‘cervelli in fuga’ è diventata un’emergenza, ma qual è la sua reale pericolosità? In termini di economia di sistema, le nostre Università hanno formato studiosi di altissima levatura scientifica, che però metteranno il loro sapere a disposizione non della nostra nazione e dei nostri giovani ma di altri paesi. Questo, nel migliore dei casi. Altrimenti saranno destinati a vedere ignorati e mortificati il loro impegno e la loro qualificazione.
If you look at this situation through the eyes of individual researchers and teachers still precarious, you will see a dangerous social phenomenon to which tens of thousands of young people and, unfortunately, now a former youth, from day to day no longer be able to support that effort economic, social and human that so far has given him the strength to wait for a breakthrough in their working lives. And this is especially serious for those scholars who can not count on starting a social condition wealthy.
This is the selection that was looking for, Sir?
These researchers teachers and their duty - indeed, much of their duty - they did, they are doing and intend to do so. But this is to give them a real chance.
We must begin to finally implement a recruitment plan without delay is extraordinary, and the role of his ministry and also to dictate the first guidelines for a campaign to recruit ordinary cyclical and the basis of the actual needs of teaching and research universities, which kicks off with the next academic year.
is also necessary, immediately, researchers and teachers to ensure the minimum rights of every temporary worker: wages, pensions and health care, social welfare, representation in academic bodies. All this with the goal to always maintain a high level of teaching and research in our Italian universities in our country and preserve a level of civilization of work worthy of the name.
remember, finally, that is no longer acceptable to the contracting of teaching for free, how indecent spread in many universities in the country in accordance with the provisions of L. 230/2005, Art. 1, c.10. The lack of pay is in fact unavoidably correlated with the reduction in the quality of teaching and especially with an unacceptable treatment of workers. Precisely because of the severity of the above research and teaching about the precarious, and to organize and defend the precarious knowledge workers who work in Italian universities is the National Coordinator of the University precarious.
From fighting for a special recruitment, anti-democratic opposition to the restructuring of the University to local disputes for the denied rights, will bring the voice of the Coordination precarious University wherever necessary. For the special urgency that unfortunately characterize the condition of these workers, we need an immediate and direct comparison in order to understand clearly what are the measures that you, and the government to which it belongs, have provided a solution effective and timely recruitment of university researchers.
before a point of no return.
National Coordination of the University precarious FLC-CGIL
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