Le rivendicazioni dei ricercatori-docenti precari dell’università di Firenze
The shredding of the university system caused by faulty policies implemented by successive governments over the past two decades has come stressing at the local level, following a short-sighted choices, even on campus in Florence, which have provided the multiplication beyond measure of locations and degree programs, career advancement and the massive inverted pyramid that.
For a university bulimic is now set for a system of thin.
At the expense - until today - mainly those workers that the university has offered for years employment contracts once known as "atypical." Those workers who, numerically and qualitatively, are the 'other side of the moon "means the number of researchers-teachers is in fact estimated to be precarious in Italy in the tens of thousands of units, equal to that of workers organized. Since the late nineties, the universities, following the example of the private sector, were unwilling to refrain from replacing workers with structured workers hired on fixed-term contractual arrangements, weak, often used illegally, and without any protection. In times of crisis, compared to fewer opportunities recruitment, these forms of contract have become not only the practice, but often the only possibility for the worker.
The system of outsourcing of research and teaching, never considered as an opportunity for more cultural attractions, but as an opportunity to provide a service at no cost without affecting the system of waste and privileges ago use of forms of parasubordination in concluding labor relations and not only leads to a significant decrease in salaries - most of karst - but, even more serious effect, removes many of the worker's rights: social security institutions, career opportunities, professional recognition, representation, right to strike, union protections. In knowledge, in addition, the weakening of the contractual relationship and trust with the body affects the ability to provide quality education and research: economic security, contract security, information access and decision-making bodies, are in fact necessary for provide a skilled work.
In this context of deep unease, exacerbated by budget cuts of the Law 1 / 2009, is part of the new bill Gelmini-Tremonti reform that includes a University characterized by the decrease and contraction. Reform, we can not refrain from stress, tends to erase the existence of the current generation of researchers, teachers are insecure, which, given the restrictions on the turn-over is substantially precluded recognition of the service so far provided as well as the enhancement of its intellectual production. With the ambition to create a system of recruitment which focuses on an undefined concept of meritocracy, the bill provides - as is now known - the call for direct entry into the role of those who, having acquired the ability to teach the national , have received six years of a contract term research (art. 12, c. 6). In a context where the university, where the programming is a very short period of practice, it is very hard to believe that the researcher has some certainty of enrollment at the end of "test".
With concern for the future that is emerging, we turn to the Chancellor claims that follow, formulated with the shared objective of a research and teaching quality of an efficient, which are punishable only fair and decent working conditions for all.
is required therefore:
- a programming transparent recruitment;
- the construction of a ' register of outside workers as a means to get out of invisibility;
- the representation with the right to vote unstructured teacher-researchers in the organs University of Democrats (Recommendations of the Department of Degree, Faculty of Administration and the Academic Senate);
- the formation of a ' only figure precarious that has research and teaching inter-related tasks;
- and, anyway, the immediate elimination of the contract free of charge for teaching outside to be replaced by the contractual terms, the nature is in line with those of the figures of the role;
- pending the creation of a single figure of an employee under contract, we require centralized management of teaching and external research , to ensure a more equitable working conditions and, hopefully, greater transparency in commending the contracts, thus removing them from the personal discretion of the department and dynamics subjected to the laws of the market;
- the recognition of the precarious path without granted at the discretion of the boards, played in various ways (teaching contracts, checks, etc..), in the new national scientific competitions and awarding of the authorization provided by the bill;
- 's , wider access to research funds researchers are not structured as a necessary condition of autonomy and independence of the researcher from the research academic hierarchies.
I ricercatori-docenti della faccia oscura della luna richiedono pari diritti e pari condizioni per tutti i lavoratori, perché è in un’università etica che si manifestano le condizioni per una ricerca e una docenza di qualità.
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