Sunday, May 2, 2010

Up To Date Gay Cruising Spots

Apprenticeship and teaching cognitive skills

Carry an interesting speech by Cinzia Mion cognitive apprenticeship and learning skills. The theme is very timely as the new provisions on ministerial powers, seek to overcome disciplinary and give rise to new challenges for teachers and teaching methodology.
"I was encouraged to intervene contributions
Pasquale D'Avolio and the controversy between Israel and George Silvano Tagliagambe on Site ilsussidiario." The theme is that, by the enactment of the information on the specific objectives Learning high schools to initiate a debate on the need to support the teaching of skills at school or if you must triumph once more the "disciplinary".
In my humble opinion, understand the meaning of the texts we read, write text relevant, clear, credible, effective, decisive in relation to the aims pursued, the ability to use problem posing as well as master the problem solving paradigm is essential to develop the scientific spirit, are skills that the school should be able to teach and is not automatically true that derive from the teaching of the disciplines. .. However
reference to the authors just cited the knowledge of each other's arguments, I emphasize only lo sconcerto provato nel registrare la supponenza e l’aggressività , (la sua sì arroganza intellettuale!) che Israel esplicita nelle risposte a chi osa criticare le sue posizioni con l’implicita domanda “ma chi è questo pidocchio” che osa contraddirmi?
Io non riceverò nemmeno l’onore di questo epiteto, essendo per il professore Israel una illustre sconosciuta, anzi presumendo di far parte di quella corporazione di “ esperti” scolastici che pur privi di competenze specifiche - ( allora esistono le competenze!) – ritengono di dettar legge in nome di una fumosa dottrina metodologica “dell’education”
Sono d’accordo che sia difficile “misurare” skills (in the absence of the unit) but it could be considered only if different mastery separate the concept of measurement and evaluation, and at the same time abandon the fantasy illusion of objectivity.
so I will not go into the merits of this argument already thoroughly discussed by others.
I would rather try to advance in the difficult terrain of the opportunity that the Italian school programs and teach the skills but also will try to address the imperative of transforming the methodology if you want to take care with these objectives
will avoid the shoals of the definition of term expertise but I will support first of all to Perrenoud (also a louse?) that says that the approach requires the development of skills for logical patterns of mobilization of knowledge. These diagrams are acquired not by the mere assimilation of knowledge, (which some think then start with the skills and expertise so famous), but through practice. The capacity building is therefore inseparable from the construction of schemes intentional mobilization of knowledge, in real time, at the service of effective action. The skills training requires a little "cultural revolution" to switch from a logic course at a training, based on a simple premise: the skills are built on the basis of practicing with complex situations.
it comes to learning to do what 'we do not know CAUSING IT TO DO.
This statement allows me to introduce the cognitive apprenticeship methodology.
I know that talking about the methodology will be creepy to prof. Israel but I do not read much ...
The authors of the research on this approach - Collis, A, Brown, JS, Newman, SE-argue that the mutual cognitive apprenticeship from apprenticeship traditional four basic steps:
1) the apprentice notes the power expert to work and then imitates it (modeling)
2) The teacher assists the beginner, it helps work, intervenes as necessary, directs attention to one aspect, provides feedback (coaching)
3) the teacher provides support in terms of incentives and resources, reset work (scaffolding)
4) the teacher decreases gradually the support provided to allow greater autonomy and gradually a growing area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility to the learner.
cognitive apprenticeship to these basic strategies are complemented by giving greater emphasis to cognitive processes and metacognitive strategies.
1) will encourage students to verbalize (thinking aloud)-as it did before the teacher as a model, while achieving the experience;
2) they are leads to confront their problems with those of an expert, thus the emergence of tacit knowledge (procedural facilitation)
3) pushes them to explore, ask and solve problems in new ways.
In this way, even the weakest student tries his sneaking in non-threatening to the self and experiencing progressively their self-efficacy. In this way, he has also led to assume in the regulation of its own cognitive processes.
We should add that the class is a cognitive apprenticeship learning community.
All teachers and students ensure a shared responsibility to learn and teach each other. I
imply that this method is inscribed fully in socio-cultural approach vigotskiano (makes me laugh from the belly flop if I try to represent what the Prof.Israel think of it ...) About
then mirror neurons-fabulous discovery of the Italian neuroscientists Rizzolatti and Welsh-I think it should be noted the connection between the cognitive apprenticeship and the acquisition of skills. Such a connection I wonder, and ask the experts, if you just explained scientifically by the mirror neuron system, through the perception-link simulation.
In other words, the interactive mode of learning emphasized by Vygotsky, at socio-cultural, is confirmed by neuroscience?
Welsh says that mirror neurons are the neural basis of intersubjectivity. The same neural circuits activated in the party carrying out actions, expressing emotions and your feelings are also automatically activated in the subject who observes these actions, emotions and feelings. This shared activation suggests a functional mechanism of embodied simulation that forms the biological basis for understanding other minds.
cognitive apprenticeship, we said that the teacher makes explicit the processes of his thinking (think aloud) and the cognitive and metacognitive those who seek and find the meaning, or the polysemy of the texts proposed by his reading, while setting the appropriate procedures and complex than a written text, while the clue is in the translation of texts of greek or Latin, while explicit connections and processes underlying the mathematical or geometrical reasoning in the exploration of the various problem situations, etc. . It is therefore obvious that the teachers who will first need to master the mental processes that are calling, but the processes that often remain silent and not expressed because it relied on automated processes.
are therefore disciplinarity academics who need to know and teach the future teachers of their discipline separating and highlighting the mental processes involved!
students will then take turns to be tested with the same practice, obviously on a similar but diverse tasks, until the habit of externalizing cognitive and metacognitive processes will be established and until the jurisdiction, which we know is acquired "by doing", when it does little to make a bit 'at a time will also strengthen the unexpected.
Note that all students and teachers, teach the skills as they emerge.
It speaks of learning from each other.
The aspect that will appeal to supporters of the less selective school and class, built on the old parameters, which at the time of Gentile Gentile, however, had an excuse-is that in this way the competences will be acquired even by those most vulnerable. Check
task you are learning is in fact the strongest motivational spring.

friendship Mion, 02/05/2010


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