Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kendal Mint Cake Calories

show Gaddafi: where was the league?

Our country is no stranger to hits "exuberant" Colonel Gaddafi; but this time if it is enjoyed .
There's been enough to welcome the 200 handsome hostess, the Amazons faithfully in fatigues, the 30 riders to compete with the Berbers from our regiment of carabinieri on horseback, and Bedouin tent installed in the well-known garden Libyan embassy.
No, the Colonel wanted to go far beyond the tolerable decency :
first gave a lecture on how Muslim women in Libya and have greater rights than those in the West then asked 5 billion € to build a highway in the Libyan desert, on pain of opening the borders to illegal immigrants to Europe to become the "black" then he predicted a Europe of Islamic faith.
What amazes us is not so much the Roman delirium of the Libyan leader, but as it is possible that all that's been granted and paid for (it is obvious that hostesses, policemen on horseback, transport, accommodation and meals, are all costs Italian borne by taxpayers).
How can this government and this majority has not responded to any externalization of the Colonel?
How can a foreign dictator, a guest in the capital of the Republic, is to order the delivery of money and to predict the end of the Christian religion in the general silence of the parties of government?
How can the Northern League, usually roaring on these issues has not even spoken word, and that Bossi has externalized his thoughts with the traditional "digital message" ?
Even on this occasion the Government and parties who support it have abdicated their roles in favor of a theater in France, England and Germany could never take place.
Berlusconi has been able, or rather compelled, to impose silence the majority parties, PDL League and, to avoid further controversy and internal fractures in the center, but this silence was mortified institutions, women and the whole country.
Cara League, Rome will also be thieves, but it is certainly comfortable armchair.

David Vittorelli
Left Ecology Freedom Vicenza


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