is legitimate to ask why the precarious workers in Italy, found strength in numbers, absorbing the blows in silence merciless upon them from a working system that a few years ago, would have caused sleepless nights to employers, private or public, to employers or rectors. The phenomenon of work completed knows, in the university, where I also rampant in size, its maximum expression in aphasia: the casual researcher-teacher, with duties to be "adult", but status of "young" person not yet accepted by the community, is barred from hearing and speech. Do not you hear the official voice of the institution that excludes, for the most customary law, the Assize academic and life "democratic" of the university, citing the inherent elusiveness of the precarious category. The voice of auditors, where the employee is uncomfortable traditionally sensitive, is weak: the trade unions still have difficulties to accept such perversion in a territory has always been off-limits .
The temporary worker does not hear the call of the herd, which does not exist. The temporary research and university teaching is not a gregarious animal, remains at positions di autismo culturale; individuo solingo in un ecosistema ostile, si concentra sulla propria sorte e ricama su se stesso. I colleghi li ritiene competitori diretti, a maggior ragione se precari anch'essi; anzi, più il lavoratore è instabile, più teme i suoi simili. L'unico riferimento esterno è, per il ricercatore avventizio, il professore-madre.
Il rapporto filiale tra professore e allievo, premessa indispensabile alla comprensione del fenomeno, merita qui un approfondimento. Seguiamolo dalla nascita. Il professore individua nella popolazione studentesca un soggetto in cui, per affinità impalpabili, riconosce la propensione alla prosecuzione della scuola; lo tiene sott'occhio, gli propone la tesi, lo segue fino alla degree, the student submits as a candidate: it is the foundations of the direct subordination of the young teachers. The individual "similar" access to the course, and a bag for three years. It is the metamorphosis: the precarious leaves the cocoon, begins the path of insecurity itself, consisting of a sequence of grants and scholarships, prizes and concessions. Occur now, acute signs of addiction, fueled by the promise of a future (but never too much) departure of the individual elderly person who would "automatically" access to the roles of the young: mors mea, your life. Incidentally, it is at this stage that, in the contradiction between the public nature of the university and the aspiration staff at the cultural lineage, we see clearly the weakness, in academia, the boundary between public and private sectors. But we will not discuss.
The transient behavior of the researcher, given the circumstances, is strongly influenced by desired, even unspoken, the teacher-mother and her lifestyle. It imitates. If the teacher is not very social and enjoy a long time to research in the laboratory or library, the precarious, by analogy, not involved in the collective life of society, which, despite all the misgivings, also forms a part. And, again by analogy, it keeps silent. But - and here lies the interest of the case - if the professor instead of social practice, SFOR in cases more extreme in active politics, the precarious rather than follow in the footsteps of Professor-mother, it unexpectedly fails to recognize the authority on the behavioral side and insists on not profess sociability. The reasons are many and complex, but we can summarize in two main areas:
1) the finite nature of resources available to younger individuals: the casual worker, multi-functional in nature, exerts its provisional in many fields and is therefore not very prone to wasting energy and to engage in social, political or trade union that does not directly ensure economic survival. Result: better not, there is neither strong nor time.
2) the fleeting existence of temporary work (and its existence in life tout court): the intermittent behavior, therefore, adopt camouflage is not exposed, excellence is not never knows that every false move can make it recognizable and designate it as a victim to a predator, or the individual friend who has life and death. Once again silent.
Finally, another cause of the worker sporadic dell'afonìa is apparent in the control exercised over it by his peers: he consistently demonstrated the distrust from colleagues deciduous than ever are in favor of the individual to step forward, with cries of outrage , to the manifestation of consciousness, tearing the canvas, and instead always animated by a feeling of fear and shame. Fear of futility, shame-induced underestimation ("if I did not, it's my fault ..." is the refrain non-employee).
The silence, in short, is emerging as a result of individual practice - but widely extended to the entire population precarious - self-censorship, self-repression and autosegregazione, determining the abstention of the vital forces of the socio-political life of a country that is clear, it suffers the lack.
is not easy to find a solution to the generational silence, if a government (eventually) do not demonstrate the will to scale the phenomenon of contracts creative. While waiting for better times, by workers aphasics will need to become aware of working conditions in pre-modern (not to say slavery does not offend the more sensitive souls) which are subject, conditions that take away basic rights to those who work, and approving a unacceptable social divide: on one hand the privileged (the "structured") with shots and salary protection legislation, and other damages, freelance unprotected. The awareness of the rights plan will be positioned next to a rereading of the scaffold disenchanted privileges that envelops the university system, which the casual (formerly crypto-Baron) aspire to enter, without del desiderio di apportarvi modifiche. Senza questo esercizio critico l'istituzione non potrà risanarsi, autoriproducendosi anzi nelle sue deformità o, se è possibile immaginarlo, acuendole.
Consapevolezza dei diritti e critica dei privilegi, su questi punti è necessario operare per avere un lavoro dignitoso, per non insegnare più gratis, per dare continuità alla ricerca. Per poter parlare.
(7 settembre 2009)
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