Saturday, September 5, 2009

Thunder Bay Silvercity


di Francesco Pardi Senato, Commissione Affari Costituzionali - 05 settembre 2009

appeal to all teachers

Dear colleagues in schools and universities,

the new school year has started touring a dramatic perspective: the destruction of public schools. The choices of Tremonti have wasted money for purposes the most absurd, as the invisible tax that every citizen will pay for the unnecessary operation Alitalia, but suddenly depleted to an extent hitherto unknown in education and research. And the minister Gelmini, devoid of any competence in the field but firmly hostile to public school, makes the rules for the new system of recognition of merit. On who knows the contrary, having preferred to migrate to Reggio Calabria to support the state exam.

But even before the controversial reforms is necessary to rule on the status of our colleagues precarious. The new year starts with the expulsion of tens of thousands of teachers, the depletion of schools, the irresistible spread of free labor in the university. The market rules work only for managers: high salaries and liquidation of princes. Teachers misery imposed by the market and unpaid work.

Principals forced to play the role of manager with no funding, the rectors who have to sell the immovable property of universities, research managers rimasti senza finanziamenti non hanno niente da dire? I docenti che hanno uno stipendio e avranno una pensione possono considerare i colleghi precari che si incatenano per protesta solo come testimoni di esasperazione passeggera?

Ma soprattutto come possiamo tutti tollerare una china che presto impedirà la trasmissione della conoscenza e della cultura? Come possiamo assistere senza un gesto alla chiusura della carriera anche degli allievi più meritevoli?

Bisogna riscoprire la solidarietà. Per coloro che si trovano senza lavoro e senza stipendio, sotto ricatto e privi di sicurezza, lottare è più che mai difficile. E chi è più indicato a difenderli se non i loro colleghi più garantiti? Anche i politici dell’opposizione must be fully engaged, but the frustration of Parliament's role undermines their efforts in elected and shall cause them to be more present in society. It 'requires the commitment of all to defend and guarantee the autonomy of critical thinking and freedom of research. If you surrender now, may soon be too late.


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