Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Indian Actresses Boobs

For the first time in years I have breathed the air of a community that found itself together and take on new energy and new ideas in a change project that can motivate people and give hope.
"We had lost - he said NICHI VENDOLA - and we got". It 's true.
Florence was really planted the seeds of the new Italian left, what has been overwhelmed by the adventure in these years of mediocre ruling class, incapable of considering alternative values, ideas, personal and political behavior to the poison of Berlusconi and the "turbo" as he was called by NICHI . A
left before disappearing from the institutions in the country, its people, as among his people, beginning with the workers and the workers.
In these three days I have heard of decline and old words, as work , research, public school , solidarity, justice , reception , rights, freedom in a new way, I heard him say the YES and NO clear, as renewable energy and no to nuclear, yes to civil unions and to NO all forms of discrimination and racism, yes to peace and NO to all wars, beginning with the one in Afghanistan.
We finally heard from directly involved in the reasons of the CGIL, the FIOM, workers at Melfi and Pomigliano, those hidden reasons with such wisdom from information public or private property;
we heard the complaint of young casual and fine words of Zanardo on women's bodies, more and more despised and exploited.
Abbiamo cercato di ridefinire Sinistra Ecologia Libertà , tenendo insieme concetti che nella storia dell'ultimo secolo non sempre hanno camminato insieme, spesso si sono contrapposti, fino a generare esperienze drammatiche, come quelle del comunismo rimasto sepolto sotto le macerie del muro di Berlino.
Abbiamo provato a dire come vorremmo fare "buona Politica" e costruire un partito aperto, non ideologico, popolare e soprattutto "strumento Per" e non "fine".
Un partito non ingessato, ma democratico e partecipativo, capace di vivere con e tra le persone
in carne ed ossa, i loro problemi e le loro speranze.
Potrei continue, but I'll stop.
I just wanted to tell you that after many years of suffering, discomfort, disorientation, it seems to me that something important was born.
Vendola is an extraordinary leader, which many envy us.
We accompany him in his brave attempt to be able to join, renew, and left it to win.
Starting with the primary and then vote.
We finally emerged from the corner. It was time.
Lalla Trupia
Sinistra Ecologia Libertà di Vicenza
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Sims 3 How To Undo A Update

Ordinance of the City it strikes indiscriminately all activities in the area with the risk of transforming an entire area of \u200b\u200bthe city in a dorm-desert ghetto, where the evening the population , who is Italian or foreign, you just have to stay at home.
We believe that the solution adopted by the City will not affect in any way on the problems of drug dealing and fights between gangs in the area of \u200b\u200bCampo in March: to deal with these phenomena are delinquent increased the organic of law enforcement in the territory and with the resources necessary, as repeatedly requested by the police union to unnecessarily Minister Roberto Maroni.
We also believe that the City should implement initiatives to revitalize the neighborhoods most at risk, "enlightening" those areas with local markets, neighborhood festivals, cultural events that bring the population to live in the district isolating social participation with those who commit crimes.
In this sense, the involvement and empowerment of migrant communities on the issues of safety and compliance with laws, together with the recognition dei fondamentali diritti di cittadinanza, sono un passaggio-chiave per la soluzioni dei problemi legati alla convivenza tra italiani e stranieri.
Come dice il noto sociologo vicentino Ilvo Diamanti non possiamo pensare che siano le telecamere, lo spostamento di panchine o l'isolamento di aree urbane a garantire la sicurezza e la vivibilità che una volta derivavano dal fatto che le nostre città e le nostre strade erano vissute, frequentate, partecipate. L'Amministrazione deve, insieme a tutti i cittadini immigrati e non, trovare il modo perché le nostre vie a partire da quelle intorno alla stazione siano frequentate, perché gli abitanti riprendano il pieno possesso della propria città.
Left Ecology Freedom of Vicenza is ready to do its part.
Mattia Pilan
Left Ecology Freedom of Vicenza
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Dr Arvind Poswal Delhi Address And Phone No.

With Alpine died yesterday are 34 Italians killed in Afghanistan . And the gun battles, military operations in which our troops are involved increase and are expected to increase, as well as our commitment. Italy ha promesso di inviare nuovi soldati, entro la fine dell’anno saranno 4.000. Non si tratta solo di maggior impegno, ma anche di un ingaggio sempre più rischioso sul terreno. Dopo il ritiro delle truppe britanniche da Sangin l’Italia ha dovuto spingere i propri soldati sempre più verso la provincia di Helmand, roccaforte dei taleban, per coprire zone prima occupate dagli americani.
Ed è proprio in una di queste zone, il Gulistan, che è avvenuta l’imboscata di ieri.
Oggi è un giorno di lutto e noi rispettiamo il dolore delle famiglie, ma da domani bisogna impegnarsi per il ritiro immediato dall’Afghanistan. Non c’è much to reflect the conclusions to be drawn after nine years of war that have not resolved any problems to the Afghans. This obviously is not the goal of NATO so that the Italian Government maintains that we are in Afghanistan to protect our country from terrorism. Too bad that the U.S. president is to debunk Obama: I do not think the U.S. is safer, he said.
Obama meets with his generals to announce the date of the withdrawal from Afghanistan (2011) in Italy and the secretary of the Pd Bersani argues that "we do not act outside the context of our alliances' .
course the failure of the intervention in Afghanistan would mark a defeat for NATO in its first operation outside its borders. And we hope that this defeat - there is no chance of success - contributing to the disintegration of the Atlantic Alliance, which has no more raison d'etre after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
In this desolate landscape Italian, Italy, where only the values \u200b\u200band the left no longer represented in parliament (Sel, CRP, etc.). Requesting the withdrawal, it is particularly deafening silence and the absence of any anti-war voice.
Yet on the eve of the war in Iraq hundreds di migliaia di pacifisti erano scesi in piazza per evitare la guerra basata su un falso pretesto. La «seconda potenza mondiale» tuttavia non era riuscita a far sì che la macchina da guerra messa in moto da Bush si fermasse. La guerra e l’occupazione dell’Iraq sono state disastrose, il movimento pacifista probabilmente ha interiorizzato quel senso di sconfitta ed è rimasto paralizzato per anni. Nemmeno l’ammissione da parte di Obama che quella guerra è stata persa ha risvegliato l’orgoglio dei pacifisti.
O sarà forse che nel frattempo quel che resta del pacifismo si è troppo istituzionalizzato per spingere i partiti della sinistra e scendere in piazza per chiedere la fine della guerra in Afghanistan? A peace movement, the Italian one, which since its inception in the early eighties he focused his attention on the Mediterranean and the Middle East convinced that this was the most explosive, it has now collapsed and the Middle East and Afghanistan are on fire.
Pacifists silent while a group of deputies and "intellectuals" bipartisan (including Saviano) express their solidarity with the Israeli government, which denies any rights to the Palestinians.
possible that there is not even an intellectual willing to spend the war in Afghanistan to save the Afghans, but also, the soldiers coalition, including Italians?
We do not want to withdraw from Afghanistan to leave the Afghans to their fate, we first direct support for the Afghan people with forms of cooperation in civil matters unrelated to military activities. The solution to the conflict must be through diplomatic processes that do not lead to a further tribalization of society, which penalizes again mainly women.
is also important to support the process of transnational justice for crimes committed by various warlords (some of which are in government), the Taliban, NATO and the U.S..
Truth and justice can be the basis for real reconciliation and the modernization of the country. Put the flags of peace to our windows, it will be a signal that we do not want heroes, but a commitment to build peace.
Starting from Afghanistan.
Giuliana Sgrena
Left Ecology Freedom
Tiffany Granite Husban

The slogan is "Re-open game" . Through the primaries, but also combining the key words contained in the Manifesto constituent of SEL, continuing the football metaphor, we propose an invasion of the field in the collective policy of this country, through the realizable dream of a better Italy.
Central the debate on the issues of work and the dignity of workers, thanks to the valuable contributions of many new members who come from trade unions and in particular by the FIOM. They reflected on the risks to democracy related to a globalization without rules, which has developed unusual characters predators and increased dramatically in the inequality and exploitation of people and the planet.
A new development model, which focuses on environmental protection and social justice, which reduces fuel consumption and privileges of renewable energy sources, is referred to by everyone as the best way to get out crisis and hope to transmit to future generations.
For excellent participation by the members, you should add a substantial and significant presence of outside guests - from PD Union Immigrants, Italy of Values \u200b\u200band List Giuliari the PSI, to the Italian Communists - in addition to the welcome speech by the Mayor of Vicenza.
On the issue of alliances and, more generally, the prospects of city administration, the debate has highlighted a number of contradictory elements, wanting to summarize in a single concept, we could say: - a Left without a people is bound to succumb but chasing the enemy on his land amounts to providing le chiavi di casa.
L'elemento pregnante per la vittoria di Variati, alle ultime elezioni amministrative, fu la grande partecipazione democratica e il desiderio di cambiamento indotto dalla vicenda " Dal Molin "; è opinione condivisa che solo la partecipazione dei cittadini alla vita pubblica e ai grandi processi di trasformazione, possa rifondare la Sinistra e consentirle di rappresentare una reale alternativa di governo.
Ciro Asproso
Sinistra Ecologia Libertà di Vicenza