Care companions s, I had the opportunity to participate in the National Congress of SEL and I want you to share in the joy and emotions that, together with all participants, I tried.
For the first time in years I have breathed the air of a community that found itself together and take on new energy and new ideas in a change project that can motivate people and give hope.
"We had lost - he said NICHI VENDOLA - and we got". It 's true.
Florence was really planted the seeds of the new Italian left, what has been overwhelmed by the adventure in these years of mediocre ruling class, incapable of considering alternative values, ideas, personal and political behavior to the poison of Berlusconi and the "turbo" as he was called by NICHI . A
left before disappearing from the institutions in the country, its people, as among his people, beginning with the workers and the workers.
In these three days I have heard of decline and old words, as work , research, public school , solidarity, justice , reception , rights, freedom in a new way, I heard him say the YES and NO clear, as renewable energy and no to nuclear, yes to civil unions and to NO all forms of discrimination and racism, yes to peace and NO to all wars, beginning with the one in Afghanistan.
We finally heard from directly involved in the reasons of the CGIL, the FIOM, workers at Melfi and Pomigliano, those hidden reasons with such wisdom from information public or private property;
we heard the complaint of young casual and fine words of Zanardo on women's bodies, more and more despised and exploited.
Abbiamo cercato di ridefinire Sinistra Ecologia Libertà , tenendo insieme concetti che nella storia dell'ultimo secolo non sempre hanno camminato insieme, spesso si sono contrapposti, fino a generare esperienze drammatiche, come quelle del comunismo rimasto sepolto sotto le macerie del muro di Berlino.
Abbiamo provato a dire come vorremmo fare "buona Politica" e costruire un partito aperto, non ideologico, popolare e soprattutto "strumento Per" e non "fine".
Un partito non ingessato, ma democratico e partecipativo, capace di vivere con e tra le persone
in carne ed ossa, i loro problemi e le loro speranze.
Potrei continue, but I'll stop.
I just wanted to tell you that after many years of suffering, discomfort, disorientation, it seems to me that something important was born.
Vendola is an extraordinary leader, which many envy us.
We accompany him in his brave attempt to be able to join, renew, and left it to win.
Starting with the primary and then vote.
We finally emerged from the corner. It was time.
Lalla Trupia
Sinistra Ecologia Libertà di Vicenza
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