Sunday, November 22, 2009

Wedding Card Write Ups

The army of temporary workers on whose field the universities and university students precarious

Friday, November 20, 2009

Pie Charts On Smoking

Assembly - Rome November 20

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Asus Express Gate Installation Incomplete

"Enough", will block the daily life of the universities

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hair Salon Swot Analysis


After the summer break lasted until in the late autumn you need to pick up the thread of conversation started last year.
's still more necessary for the appearance of the bill feared the Gelmini-Tremonti reform, which, given the cut in funding for research, university top-prefigures, undemocratic and corporatization, and outlines a gloomy fate for outside workers in research and teaching increasingly outsourced and precarious.

The meeting is called for Wednesday, November 4 at 18:00 SNUR in Independence Square, 8

Come along, it is our future, and spread the appeal of the meeting.

Coordination teachers Unifi precarious

Did Anyone Have Creamy White Discharge 4dpo

Take the word, raise

appeal for a national assembly in Rome "La Sapienza" Friday, November 20
The Design University of reform law, recently approved by the Council of Ministers (28.10), requires us to speak again. It 's been a year, in fact, from that extraordinary movement which hacongelato any idea of \u200b\u200bcomprehensive reform of the university, invading places all over Italy. A movement, that of the wave, which HASAP reinvent the conflict in a country eprivo pierced right to object. A movement that started in the universities, èdilagato in schools and has also involved us, casual research, already actors in the fight against the bill in the fall del2005 Moratti.
The force of the wave has largely stopped the initiative of the government (remember that following the approval of the school on the Dl 137 -29 October 2008, had promised the Gelmini decree stays and the law ' universities), but failed to obtain the annulment deitagli financial training, massively introduced dallaLegge 133 (€ 8 billion less for schools, dieuro 1.5 billion for the university). Today, in the midst of an autumn always piùcarico unemployment and precariousness, undoubtedly still debolesul floor of the conflict, the government has taken the offensive.
The bill affects the public university to death, aparte reorganizing the insistence of the cuts. If the party on allagovernance university anticipates streamlined (by number of faculty), prived Democracy (reduction and discharge the responsibilities of organicollegiali) and corporatization (open to private diamministrazione Council), the second, which empowers the government to riordinodel right to study according to the rhetoric of merit, introduces The funding of honor for the students by requiring the formula debitoindividuale in lieu of common rights.
But the third part is what concerns us most. First luogoviene abolished the third category of teaching, the researchers atempo perpetuity. Only contracts for those who do research and then, after six years and one rating, all elbowing for the few postid associate professor, known in local competitions and "merit" but in fact deeply opaque, whose criterirestano essentially unchanged from current ones. Ingenerale, this changes everything for DDL not change anything. For a versonessuna of the proposals in recent years by vieneassunta precarious, and remains the jungle-term contracts that caratterizzanol'università attuale (gli assegni di ricerca, le borse di studio, icontratti di docenza e altro), con la ratificazione dei contratti didocenza GRATUITI. Per un altro verso si riduce lo spazio per laricerca e si consolida la tendenza alla liceizzazione dell'universitàpubblica, in cui il compito prevalente delle figure “stabili” sarà ladidattica. La riforma promette solo tagli e non è previsto alcunincremento di fondi: non si capisce quindi con quali soldi si potrannoassumere i ricercatori a tempo determinato, il cui costo è superiore aquello degli attuali associati. Il tetto alla spesa per il personaleconfermato nel disegno di legge e i tagli pesantissimi della legge 133che già oggi stanno producendo migliaia di licenziamenti non farannoche aggravarsi. Le campagne stampa che parlano di abolizione delprecariato sono chiaramente demagogiche: questa riforma il precariatodella ricerca lo moltiplica all'infinito.
È chiaro dunque che se questo DDL venisse approvato dalle Camere sidefinirebbe un punto di non ritorno, meglio, la dismissionedell'università pubblica che abbiamo conosciuto fino ad adesso.Un'università, intendiamoci bene, che non ci siamo mai sognati didifendere e che abbiamo con forza e passione criticato, a partire dalnostro ruolo. Oggi è necessario, però, riprendere la critica dei taglie del DDL che ne è diretta espressione. Pretendere di finanziarequesta riforma con i soldi dello scudo tax is nonsense. Not puòvincolare the Italian university to find creativadel finance minister Tremonti economy. The fact remains that in Italy Sispe less than 1% of GDP in research, and this reform will not increase prevedealcun.
For this reason we believe the time to take back the word, perconfrontare analysis and proposals, but also for ridefinireuna platform and an agenda of shared struggles. An agenda that does not Silim to take participation in the union deadlines already enchanted, but rather that face the same opportunities perrilanciare a movement and a political campaign and Alung much broader term that relates to the university and research, but that leghianche the struggles of students and the school and begin a new claim aimmaginare and Welfare.
Starting from this premise and believe that our parolerispondano to a widespread need to convene on Friday 20novembre, at 14 at the national assembly with Wisdom ilseguente agenda:
1. Analysis of Ddl2. Platform of rivendicazioni3. Calendar of national and local mobilizations
With this appeal we consider essential to involve nellapartecipazione and debate students and temporary workers in the school.

Precarious Laboratories - Network of PhD students and researchers in Rome precarious delleUniversità

Precarious National Coordination of Research-FLC CGIL

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Old Motherboards Sale

build a movement mobilization

Friday, October 30, 2009

Camilarodrigues Trans


the rector Augusto Marinelli

Hundreds of teachers on a contract of Florence Thank you for your attention reserved for them in your message greeting, and
for daring maneuver, signed by you, which wiped out the funds to the teaching contract this academic year,
maneuver that allowed the human capital of foreign teachers to work free of charge for the benefit of the University,
demonstrating to finally be able to engage workers with no interest in the market constantly new challenge of the quality and international comparison.


Coordination teachers precarious Unifi

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: < augusto.marinelli @ unifi. it >
Date: October 28, 2009 13:56
Subject: Greeting

At the end of my term as Rector would like to extend a cordial greeting to
all the staff of 'university, faculty and
technical and administrative staff, members of the governing bodies of
evaluation and monitoring, policy makers, the Managing Director,
the Vice Rectors and delegates, with the most heartfelt gratitude for the efforts
in recent years and the cooperation established in
benefit of the university, convinced that our university has in its
human capital the most precious heritage, which will
face the new challenges of quality and international comparison

With heartfelt appreciation and best wishes.

Augusto Marinelli

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Non Confidential Agreement

Gelmini wand rectors: "too many prof to the contract, is an abuse "But

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sliczne Wiersze Dla Niego

his 70's because the teachers do not become" flexible "?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Survey Opinion Bikini Waxing

"rejected" the university competitions

Monday, October 5, 2009

Women Getting Gropped

Ordinary and associate "occupy" competitions


Friday, September 25, 2009

Nike Rn# 56323 Jacket

When Professor works for free

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Schedulesuperjet Bus

Competitions and illegal calls to measure

Monday, September 7, 2009

Baby Hearing Protection

University - The precarious ACADEMIC OR THE GAME OF SILENCE

Ilaria Agostini, researcher-teacher precarious

is legitimate to ask why the precarious workers in Italy, found strength in numbers, absorbing the blows in silence merciless upon them from a working system that a few years ago, would have caused sleepless nights to employers, private or public, to employers or rectors. The phenomenon of work completed knows, in the university, where I also rampant in size, its maximum expression in aphasia: the casual researcher-teacher, with duties to be "adult", but status of "young" person not yet accepted by the community, is barred from hearing and speech. Do not you hear the official voice of the institution that excludes, for the most customary law, the Assize academic and life "democratic" of the university, citing the inherent elusiveness of the precarious category. The voice of auditors, where the employee is uncomfortable traditionally sensitive, is weak: the trade unions still have difficulties to accept such perversion in a territory has always been off-limits .

The temporary worker does not hear the call of the herd, which does not exist. The temporary research and university teaching is not a gregarious animal, remains at positions di autismo culturale; individuo solingo in un ecosistema ostile, si concentra sulla propria sorte e ricama su se stesso. I colleghi li ritiene competitori diretti, a maggior ragione se precari anch'essi; anzi, più il lavoratore è instabile, più teme i suoi simili. L'unico riferimento esterno è, per il ricercatore avventizio, il professore-madre.

Il rapporto filiale tra professore e allievo, premessa indispensabile alla comprensione del fenomeno, merita qui un approfondimento. Seguiamolo dalla nascita. Il professore individua nella popolazione studentesca un soggetto in cui, per affinità impalpabili, riconosce la propensione alla prosecuzione della scuola; lo tiene sott'occhio, gli propone la tesi, lo segue fino alla degree, the student submits as a candidate: it is the foundations of the direct subordination of the young teachers. The individual "similar" access to the course, and a bag for three years. It is the metamorphosis: the precarious leaves the cocoon, begins the path of insecurity itself, consisting of a sequence of grants and scholarships, prizes and concessions. Occur now, acute signs of addiction, fueled by the promise of a future (but never too much) departure of the individual elderly person who would "automatically" access to the roles of the young: mors mea, your life. Incidentally, it is at this stage that, in the contradiction between the public nature of the university and the aspiration staff at the cultural lineage, we see clearly the weakness, in academia, the boundary between public and private sectors. But we will not discuss.

The transient behavior of the researcher, given the circumstances, is strongly influenced by desired, even unspoken, the teacher-mother and her lifestyle. It imitates. If the teacher is not very social and enjoy a long time to research in the laboratory or library, the precarious, by analogy, not involved in the collective life of society, which, despite all the misgivings, also forms a part. And, again by analogy, it keeps silent. But - and here lies the interest of the case - if the professor instead of social practice, SFOR in cases more extreme in active politics, the precarious rather than follow in the footsteps of Professor-mother, it unexpectedly fails to recognize the authority on the behavioral side and insists on not profess sociability. The reasons are many and complex, but we can summarize in two main areas:

1) the finite nature of resources available to younger individuals: the casual worker, multi-functional in nature, exerts its provisional in many fields and is therefore not very prone to wasting energy and to engage in social, political or trade union that does not directly ensure economic survival. Result: better not, there is neither strong nor time.

2) the fleeting existence of temporary work (and its existence in life tout court): the intermittent behavior, therefore, adopt camouflage is not exposed, excellence is not never knows that every false move can make it recognizable and designate it as a victim to a predator, or the individual friend who has life and death. Once again silent.

Finally, another cause of the worker sporadic dell'afonìa is apparent in the control exercised over it by his peers: he consistently demonstrated the distrust from colleagues deciduous than ever are in favor of the individual to step forward, with cries of outrage , to the manifestation of consciousness, tearing the canvas, and instead always animated by a feeling of fear and shame. Fear of futility, shame-induced underestimation ("if I did not, it's my fault ..." is the refrain non-employee).

The silence, in short, is emerging as a result of individual practice - but widely extended to the entire population precarious - self-censorship, self-repression and autosegregazione, determining the abstention of the vital forces of the socio-political life of a country that is clear, it suffers the lack.

is not easy to find a solution to the generational silence, if a government (eventually) do not demonstrate the will to scale the phenomenon of contracts creative. While waiting for better times, by workers aphasics will need to become aware of working conditions in pre-modern (not to say slavery does not offend the more sensitive souls) which are subject, conditions that take away basic rights to those who work, and approving a unacceptable social divide: on one hand the privileged (the "structured") with shots and salary protection legislation, and other damages, freelance unprotected. The awareness of the rights plan will be positioned next to a rereading of the scaffold disenchanted privileges that envelops the university system, which the casual (formerly crypto-Baron) aspire to enter, without del desiderio di apportarvi modifiche. Senza questo esercizio critico l'istituzione non potrà risanarsi, autoriproducendosi anzi nelle sue deformità o, se è possibile immaginarlo, acuendole.

Consapevolezza dei diritti e critica dei privilegi, su questi punti è necessario operare per avere un lavoro dignitoso, per non insegnare più gratis, per dare continuità alla ricerca. Per poter parlare.

(7 settembre 2009)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Thunder Bay Silvercity


di Francesco Pardi Senato, Commissione Affari Costituzionali - 05 settembre 2009

appeal to all teachers

Dear colleagues in schools and universities,

the new school year has started touring a dramatic perspective: the destruction of public schools. The choices of Tremonti have wasted money for purposes the most absurd, as the invisible tax that every citizen will pay for the unnecessary operation Alitalia, but suddenly depleted to an extent hitherto unknown in education and research. And the minister Gelmini, devoid of any competence in the field but firmly hostile to public school, makes the rules for the new system of recognition of merit. On who knows the contrary, having preferred to migrate to Reggio Calabria to support the state exam.

But even before the controversial reforms is necessary to rule on the status of our colleagues precarious. The new year starts with the expulsion of tens of thousands of teachers, the depletion of schools, the irresistible spread of free labor in the university. The market rules work only for managers: high salaries and liquidation of princes. Teachers misery imposed by the market and unpaid work.

Principals forced to play the role of manager with no funding, the rectors who have to sell the immovable property of universities, research managers rimasti senza finanziamenti non hanno niente da dire? I docenti che hanno uno stipendio e avranno una pensione possono considerare i colleghi precari che si incatenano per protesta solo come testimoni di esasperazione passeggera?

Ma soprattutto come possiamo tutti tollerare una china che presto impedirà la trasmissione della conoscenza e della cultura? Come possiamo assistere senza un gesto alla chiusura della carriera anche degli allievi più meritevoli?

Bisogna riscoprire la solidarietà. Per coloro che si trovano senza lavoro e senza stipendio, sotto ricatto e privi di sicurezza, lottare è più che mai difficile. E chi è più indicato a difenderli se non i loro colleghi più garantiti? Anche i politici dell’opposizione must be fully engaged, but the frustration of Parliament's role undermines their efforts in elected and shall cause them to be more present in society. It 'requires the commitment of all to defend and guarantee the autonomy of critical thinking and freedom of research. If you surrender now, may soon be too late.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Qcarbo With Eliminex Reviews

Pisa, in 204 free teach

Building Report Template

University, say enough to teachers underpaid and unprotected casual

Monday, July 20, 2009

Crystal Meth Effects On Lungs

Letter to Mr universities. Mariastella GELMINI

Hon. Mariastella GELMINI
Minister of Education, University and Research

Subject: the precariousness of the teaching and research at the University


for many months, as provided by Decree 180, enacted into law Jan. 9, 2009, the country waits in vain for the implementation decree of establishing criteria for evaluation of qualifications and publications in research competitions. A decree that promises greater transparency in the conduct of competitions and that would allow both the release competitions already banned from universities and the opening of the second and third tranches of recruiting extraordinary.

If the situation of Italian universities at this time is critical, it is especially for that segment of the scholars who do not yet have a permanent working relationship with universities and that, however, with dedication, skill and sacrifice, many years ago that research through which Italy continues to be at international summits.

For many years now, in fact, nearly half of staff engaged full time in research and teaching in the universities is recruited parasubordinated contracts (research grants, CoCoCo ...) and scholarships, most of whom lack the most basic social protection and welfare. The high professionalism of researchers and teachers is demonstrated by the temporary baggage of many experiences in the field and publications, contributing directly to the prestige of Italian universities. As almost half of university courses is supported by that permanent staff, whose work allows the universities to achieve a good relationship between teachers and students, who held Italy to European levels.

Purtroppo, la sovrapposizione di diverse riforme, che non sono mai state rese completamente operative, ha generato una situazione di devastante stallo generale e, in particolare, una sostanziale e gravissima sospensione del reclutamento, cioè dei concorsi a ricercatore banditi a livello nazionale. Grazie ad alcune indagini, si stima infatti che nelle Università italiane vi siano circa 50.000 precari impegnati a tempo pieno nella ricerca e docenza (Fonti dei dati: CRUI e MIUR del 2006 su 33 Università censite, MIUR del 2008 più autocensimento nel 2008). I dati rilevati in questi casi, sebbene parziali, evidenziano inoltre una crescita cospicua e costante del precariato nei ruoli di docente e ricercatore universitario. Se guardata dal punto di vista dello Stato, questa circostanza non permette di utilizzare al meglio quelle risorse umane per la cui formazione e qualificazione sono stati spesi centinaia di milioni di euro. Ora più che mai il fenomeno dei cosiddetti ‘cervelli in fuga’ è diventata un’emergenza, ma qual è la sua reale pericolosità? In termini di economia di sistema, le nostre Università hanno formato studiosi di altissima levatura scientifica, che però metteranno il loro sapere a disposizione non della nostra nazione e dei nostri giovani ma di altri paesi. Questo, nel migliore dei casi. Altrimenti saranno destinati a vedere ignorati e mortificati il loro impegno e la loro qualificazione.

If you look at this situation through the eyes of individual researchers and teachers still precarious, you will see a dangerous social phenomenon to which tens of thousands of young people and, unfortunately, now a former youth, from day to day no longer be able to support that effort economic, social and human that so far has given him the strength to wait for a breakthrough in their working lives. And this is especially serious for those scholars who can not count on starting a social condition wealthy.

This is the selection that was looking for, Sir?

These researchers teachers and their duty - indeed, much of their duty - they did, they are doing and intend to do so. But this is to give them a real chance.

We must begin to finally implement a recruitment plan without delay is extraordinary, and the role of his ministry and also to dictate the first guidelines for a campaign to recruit ordinary cyclical and the basis of the actual needs of teaching and research universities, which kicks off with the next academic year.

is also necessary, immediately, researchers and teachers to ensure the minimum rights of every temporary worker: wages, pensions and health care, social welfare, representation in academic bodies. All this with the goal to always maintain a high level of teaching and research in our Italian universities in our country and preserve a level of civilization of work worthy of the name.

remember, finally, that is no longer acceptable to the contracting of teaching for free, how indecent spread in many universities in the country in accordance with the provisions of L. 230/2005, Art. 1, c.10. The lack of pay is in fact unavoidably correlated with the reduction in the quality of teaching and especially with an unacceptable treatment of workers. Precisely because of the severity of the above research and teaching about the precarious, and to organize and defend the precarious knowledge workers who work in Italian universities is the National Coordinator of the University precarious.

From fighting for a special recruitment, anti-democratic opposition to the restructuring of the University to local disputes for the denied rights, will bring the voice of the Coordination precarious University wherever necessary. For the special urgency that unfortunately characterize the condition of these workers, we need an immediate and direct comparison in order to understand clearly what are the measures that you, and the government to which it belongs, have provided a solution effective and timely recruitment of university researchers.

before a point of no return.


National Coordination of the University precarious FLC-CGIL

Friday, July 17, 2009

Cervical Ectropion And Trying To Conceive


It 's called' Coordination Meeting of the Teachers Precarious Unifi, the day Tuesday, July 21 at 21:00 at the headquarters Snur (National Union of University and Research) inPiazza independence 8, Florence.

On the agenda:
1. birth of national coordination FLC-CGIL on precarious university (researchers, teachers, technicians, administrative and technical-scientific): Our relationship with the national coordination;
2. contracts a titolo gratuito: individuazione di strategie collettive per l'A.A: 2009/2010;
3. rapporti con il rettorato: richiesta di un tavolo di confronto;
4. per quanto riguarda la facoltà di Architettura: rapporto con il nuovo l'Ordine degli Architetti;
5. esperienze di rappresentanza nei consigli di dipartimento;
6. varie ed eventuali.

Coordinamento docenti precari Unifi

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Essai Wolford Satin Touch


Symptoms Of Syphilis In Heart

If the learning contract is a type of volunteering to young

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Denise Milani Fotos 2010

barred the way to the chair