the other news
In the silence of the TV, the press and the opposition, the majority center of the banner of "certainty of punishment" and "zero tolerance", has just approved a masked bell'indultino will release thousands of criminals from prison prematurely .
Alfano The bill, approved by Parliament, in force since December 16 provides that prisoners serving convictions can spend the last years of detention at home. But beware: today inmates can serve the last two years of the sentence under house arrest and the last three in foster care social service, that is free. In practice, those who have served sentences of up to three years knows that he will not one day in prison and, if he had the foresight to commit a crime by May 2006, before the indult (discount automatic three years), not a day ago even in prison if sentenced to 6 years.
short, ending just need to stay in and make a killing. addition to injury, there is also the insult to the victims of crimes: those who committed them can go home without having to leave the home of the victim.
So who ended up in because molesting the neighbor or beat his wife can easily go back on the scene to serve the sentence and to repeat the crime . then prepare the umpteenth wave of release (some say 2000 will come out, some 7000, some 12 000 to 70 000 inmates) that, moreover, is not accompanied by investment to reintegrate former inmates into society, will lead to return to crime, with an increase in crime and social insecurity. All at the hands of the center, always ready to accuse the center of "putting out" criminals. Of course, like all laws of this government, even worse if signed by Alfano, this disguised amnesty is unconstitutional: amnesties and pardons are needed for two-thirds of Parliament, while here and have voted only PDL League. That stessa
Lega che inizialmente si era opposta al ddl Alfano per bocca del ministro Maroni, che poi, alla chetichella, ha digerito tutto . Quella stessa Lega che nell’agosto 2003, quando passò l’“indultino” (sospesi gli ultimi 2 anni di pena a chi ne avesse scontata metà, salvo reati gravissimi: 5900 scarcerati) coi voti di FI, Udc, mezza An e centrosinistra, fece fuoco e fiamme. Calderoli chiese a Ciampi di rinviare la legge alle Camere “per manifesta incostituzionalità” e al ministro della Giustizia Castelli di “riferire in Parlamento sui reati commessi in futuro da quanti verranno scarcerati grazie a questo squallido indulto mascherato. Le recidive saranno molte ed it is right that the people know what crimes are committed against him because of this measure and those who promoted it. " Castles thundered: "Since October we will meet guests in the cell and released just 12 months in the prison population will be the first. But we have a landmark program to build and open 23 new prisons. " Even Mantovano (An, today PDL) denounced "Thus the certainty of punishment is even weaker: the indultino help to reinforce the belief that all things considered, to commit serious crimes then you do not pay such high cost." Of course, the amazing Castles and Alfano plan to build new prisons, has never been able to nothing. And here we are again, in 2010, put out a few thousand criminals. This time, in secret.
Congratulations also to the majority and the opposition to the noisy silence.
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