Friday, December 17, 2010

Morrowind Tribunal Russian To English Patch

Ciriello: WHY 'THE FUNDING HAS NOT FIRED? Incitement to the massacre.

The chairman of the Defence Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, Edmund Cirielli , filed yesterday a question to the Minister of the Interior, 'to see if there were any special conditions and / or provisions, which have prevented the military from the Guardia di Finanza, involved in clashes in Rome, yesterday, to make use of his pistol in self defense and for use legitimate weapons. " "In the opinion of the interrogator - states in the preamble of the act of inspection bodies - The military of the above would be found under the conditions laid down in Articles. 51, 52 and 53 of the Criminal Code, but has decided not to use the weapon of order, endangering his life first, and then also that of his colleagues and, more generally, the security perimeter that was was prepared and order, since the gun could also be his stolen and used by the attackers. " Cirielli continues, then, saying that "it would seem that the law and order, are usually given orders tend to strictly avoid the use of firearms except in responding to insults from the sun firearms and this affects negatively the performance of agents, even if it means exposing them to unfair risks, even of life. " Therefore, requests the Minister Maroni, "if the Government intends to take measures to better regulate the use of firearms in the particular conditions of public policy which constitutes a potential danger to the safety of life of operators of public safety, institutions and, more generally, the citizens and if there are, and at what levels, any liability in issuing directives and orders that take due account of existing legislation, and how you intend to punish them. "


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