Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I Have A Itchy Rash From Waxing

Christmas 2011: Sting coming over € 1,000 per family

According to consumer groups and 'the annual impact on every family, weigh rincari generi alimentari, benzina, servizi bancari e assicurazioni
ANSA 28 dicembre, 21:52
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Statali: blocco degli stipendi fino al 2013 2011: stangata di oltre mille euro
Istat, in primi 10 mesi 2010 chiusi 23 accordi

ROMA - E' in arrivo una stangata di oltre 1.000 euro sulle tasche delle famiglie italiane. Secondo i calcoli di Adusbef e Federconsumatori, tra rincari di alimentari, benzina, rates, insurance and banking services, 2011 will be an "unhappy years", with an impact of € 1,016 per year per family.

The largest families that will weigh on the food industry, with annual increases of € 267, or 6%. Following are the fuels for which, in the wake of expected increases in oil (you give it for granted a rally up to $ 100 per barrel) spending increase of no less than 131 € a year. Over 120 euro more will be spent on rail transport, including routes of commuters, while the prices of the RC car will grow, according Adusbef and Federconsumatori, of 105 € (+10-12%). Increases are also planned for the motorway tolls (+2%) to those of the gas (+7-8%) and light (+4-5%) and those of the waste (+7-8%) and water (+5-6%). The greatest increase in percentage terms, however, is the local public transport (+25-30%). "Even in 2011 - and comment on Rosario Trefiletti Elio Lannutti, Adusbef and Federconsumatori presidents - one year promises unhappy both for the economic crisis, which if not properly addressed, will fail to achieve even 1% of GDP growth and for the price increases which will help to further reduce the purchasing power of families. " According to the associations "to the usual speculation in terms of prices and tariffs, adding to tensions on the important costs of energy products and raw materials. All factors, these, that will affect the pricing is relatively durable goods that the consumer goods, from those foods. "That is" more necessary economic policies quite different from those so far implemented, which should aim with a revival of the economy is through investment in innovative sectors, with both processes tax exemption only in respect of fixed-income families, workers and retirees. Failing that - end - will strengthen even more the vicious circle of decline in consumption, layoffs and dismissals, and industrial production, can not hope for the resumption of our economy only through exports. "

  • - The 2011 price increases will lead on the pockets of Italians increases cost of 902 € per year per family. It 's the estimate of ADOC, Codacons, Defense of the Citizen Movement and National Consumers Union, meeting in Casper symbol (Committee against speculation and the savings). "The engine that powers the maxi-Sting is speculation - say consumers of Casper - Of these 902 € that will come from the pockets of each family, no less than 700 € (77% of the total) are due to speculation and arbitrary price increases that can find no economic justification. "The main items during the new year the biggest impact on family budgets will be food, housing and transport. With the recovery in demand and in the absence of policies of market liberalization, food prices will rise substantially after a year of stagnation (+191 € per family). The house is but one of the items that most affected by the cuts agreed in the operation of Government, as it includes water and waste, as well as electricity and gas. Local authorities, in fact, emphasizes the Casper, "families will eventually translate much of the reduction of transfers, increasing rates of public utilities (+189 €). Transport, voice ranging from car repair to the railroads, the gasoline to the famous highway tolls, will have a record increase in 2011 (+195 €), yet calculated the associations. Finally, the increases stand out banks and insurance companies. As for the RC car insurance the average premium would increase by 8%, amounting, according to Casper, of 33 €.


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