Friday, January 28, 2011

Exacerbation Symptons

Friday, 17/12/2010 night I attended the meeting organized in Vicenza Fair with Nichi Vendola.

clear from the beginning that I have always sympathized with SEL for some time now.

not deny that my new enthusiasm is also due to the Secretary as having the same Vendola.

Specific these things because I want to be sincere and honest with myself and with everyone.

I do not usually write eulogies, unnecessary, let alone write about politics, I am a fan policy, an Italian citizen with voting rights, but not a professional politician (and certainly not an entrepreneur as someone paid to the policy).

Relaunch just some provocative and raise to people that I consider relevant to the topic.

not know about you, but I have a craving for the left!

And I say this every day, and I said when I started to cast my vote, though many times it was a vote "useless", or for not count.

I feel like the left, but a left new, renewed and above undertaking. New, understood as a conceptually new, beyond the stylistic features of Marxists and socialists, a sinister modern pace with the times.

left a course that maintains its ideological system because it would be a mistake to deny the "fathers" historic, but at the same time both open and close to the dynamics of the new companies.

New and culturally open to comparison with the other parties, without losing the taste for challenge, and why not, the smell under the nose of the left doc!

Renewed in the sense of a new class dirigente, formata e preparata; rinnovata nel solco dei predecessori, ma che faccia tesoro sì delle esperienze dei "saggi", ma che non tema di investire sulla formazione di nuovi giovani, nuove eccellenze, di tutte le culture, di tutti i background culturali, di tante idee anche all'apparenza diverse.

Rinnovata per dire a certi vecchi leader "grazie, farò tesoro delle tua cultura ma ora andiamo avanti NOI!" e senza rottamazioni!

Rinnovata nel solco dei nostri valori di libertà, uguaglianza, legalità..rinnovata nella lotta ai totalitarismi e a tutti i totalitarismi..e rinnovata a difesa della nostra Costituzione e di uno Stato Laico!

Partecipata , perchè ho in mente se chiudo gli occhi il quadro del Quarto Stato di Pelizza da Volpedo..una partecipazione di massa!

Partecipata per rivendicare diritti, per essere espressione di democrazia, per rispettare anche punti di divergenza.

Partecipata come quando dai primi del 900 i braccianti hanno preso coscienza di essere tanti, popolo..partecipata anche nei dibattiti e nelle scelte delle nostre comunità.

Cito qui a parte la vicenda NO DAL MOLIN: un triste esempio di non partecipazione per un iniquo progetto calato dall'alto e deciso nelle stanze dei bottoni.

Non lo so se sono un idealista, un matto o uno scemo; certo è che venerdì sera sono tornato a casa con tutte queste cose in testa!

E il bello è che in queste cose ci credo sul serio!


Alberto Pavan

Tesserato di Sinistra Ecologia Libertà

Thursday, January 27, 2011

New York State Drivers License

The adventure continues ...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

How Many Zopiclone To Overdose

BAR Avenue - Ortona (CH)

Traditional Iranian Dress

a catwalk into a decline-Silvio the martyr persecuted by the communists I and abandoned by the church

Armageddon Knight "this time winner takes all"
"I have 74 years to me is the final war. If I lose, I villas"
by Republic CLAUDIO TITO
"This for me is the final battle. It is a game with no additional recovery is not there. There is for me, I have 74 years, and for no other. If I win, I go continue until 2020. Otherwise ...". Do not you dare disturb the Armageddon, but his words are now taking an apocalyptic tone. Silvio Berlusconi considers the war against the Milan magistrates "definitive", "no revenge." At the end of which, "who takes all precedence." And in everything there is to the Quirinal, which will be renewed in the spring of 2013.
The prime minister - told his loyalists - blind every move and start to distrust almost everyone. "I see that not all I should like to defend. Many in the PDL and the League will take away. As if they wanted capire come va a finire. Solo qualcuno ci sta davvero mettendo la faccia. Ma sappiano che ai rigori vincerò io e allora mi ricorderò di quanto sta avvenendo ora". Tanti dubbi, enormi sospetti. Che ieri, ad esempio, hanno ripreso corpo durante il consiglio dei ministri. Quando il titolare dell'Economia ha illustrato ai colleghi tutte le difficoltà legate al federalismo: "È un progetto equilibrato, ma non abbiamo la maggioranza né nella commissione bicamerale né in commissione Bilancio". Frase che ha acuito le perplessità del Cavaliere soprattutto con le parole finali pronunciate da Tremonti: "Dobbiamo decidere se andare avanti o meno... ".
Del resto, nel centrodestra tutti si stanno preparando una escape. The "numbers" of the House do not offer guarantees to anyone. The specter of an executive "technical" hovers constantly at Palazzo Chigi. And also the proposal to postpone the Third Pole in June's vote on the decree for the municipal taxes has been accessed just like trying to get into a "phase" in which early polls become impossible. And the need for another government, in a crisis, it would be imperative.
"But I - feel - do not let up on anyone. Not even John. I resign only when an explicit vote of no confidence." The ghosts then multiplied after the sinking of the Pope and rap the head of state. Of which Berlusconi begins to distrust. "Too prone recently - he complained yesterday - to go along with the opposition. "One pincer, in short, tight and increasingly from which seeks to avoid. So much so that the church hierarchy with the last attempt mediation on February 11 at the reception for the anniversary of the Lateran Pacts. It is hoped that next Monday the President of the CEI Bagnasco is softer than the Secretary of State Bertone. not alone. His doubts are not just about "politics" but the whole establishment which took office in recent years. "If I go over this one, everything changes," he repeats. And his reference is to the top of the services and security, to big public authorities and Rai, the judiciary and state-controlled companies. Not by chance has already decided to take a pause for reflection, particularly in view of the spring round of appointments that will invest in many of the shares held by the Treasury. Not to mention that even the so-called "great powers" - in his opinion - seem more distant. "You have seen what he's doing the Courier?" He vented.
For this, the Knight to play all out. "It's the final battle," he repeats. The unknowns, however, are many. Starting with the weapons that the Milan prosecutors have available. A Palazzo Chigi, in fact, studying every move in the certainty that the prosecutors in Milan have not exhausted their shots. Their fear is concentrated on any other interception in which the prime minister to speak in person. "What else can go?" He asks. Just as you wonder about the tightness of the coalition. Including that of the League. For now, Umberto Bossi has made in defense of his friend Silvio. But the basis of the Carroccio quivers. Suffice it to say that the other day Radio Padania had to stop after ten minutes, the direct line to the militants: too many insults to the President of Ruby on the case.
The tactics developed at Via del Plebiscito, however, has no alternative. "Let's go forward." Without election and accepting the maximum bet. "The polls - is the mantra of the Knight - I still give a 50% rating. After all this mess I lost only 0.6%. "It takes time.'m Sure the sentence will be delayed by a return to Milan Look jurisdiction. Determined to get to vote in local elections at the end of May for the first income rationem:" I'll go down in field and give yourself a nice hit. "You ready for the new campaign posters 3x6. Bossi on federalism convinced to pursue a line of autonomy from the opposition:" In the decrees of the Committee will have a tie vote and nothing will prevent the board Ministerial vararli anyway. "All this to get to the" final battle "." If I win, I'm going to continue until 2020. Otherwise I have so many houses ... ".

Friday, January 21, 2011

Wedding Menu Welcome Message Ideas

The Journal: I apologize to Ferrero. Never misused public funds

the Journal of March 19, 2008, directed by Mario Giordano, entitled "E Ferrero gives 16 million to nomads, Arci gay cinema," signed by Mariateresa Conti, were contained information on Paolo Ferrero, all ' time Minister of Social Solidarity, as a result of appropriate controls, were found in some parts wrong.

Ministerial decree (that the article was presented as a 'contribution to rain for friends. A few weeks before the vote) but represented the unavoidable conclusion of a fair and transparent procedure for the public for the allocation of funds arranged by the Finance Act of 2007, made by leaders of the Directorate General of the Ministry, without any interference of the Minister.
The decree was signed by Minister Ferrero, therefore, the due performance of statutory duty, whose failure would not only have made failure to act, but would have paralyzed the implementation of initiatives of public and social services network in favor of the most disadvantaged citizens. Then the article gave a false representation of facts which probably damaged the image of the then Minister Paolo Ferrero and the political parties representing. The paper clarifies the facts, they are represented in accordance with the ethics of communication and concludes by writing: "d ed note of this, we apologize, then, with the person concerned and to our readers."
Ferrero said: "It 's very gratifying that on the anniversary of the founding of the Italian Communist Party, The Journal of the Berlusconi family should recognize the existence of a sign of moral and civic integrity that has defined my work as minister of the Communist Social Solidarity. "
The national secretary of the PRC / Federation of the Left, Paolo Ferrero, comments with the words" apology "published today by the journal on the disposal of the court following the complaint lodged by the Ferrero himself as a minister against the newspaper, March 19, 2008 that was titled: "E Ferrero regala 16 milioni a nomadi, gay e cinema Arci".  "Le nostre scuse a Ferrero: mai abusato di fondi pubblici", titola la rettifica pubblicata a pagina 10 dell'edizione odierna del Giornale, reperibile integralmente al seguente indirizzo internet:

Stockholm Brazilian Waxing

Berlusconi urges Italy to the dictatorship!

The New York Times front-page invokes the intervention of Pope and two articles in La Stampa, respectively, appears the word "dictatorship" and the other the image of South American stamps Vaghi in tone, this happens aftermath of the last attack Berlusconi, that the "judges to punish" and "Breaking My home is against the Constitution" ... If this is so, and unfortunately this is so, what is really happening? In the Corriere della Sera, front-page editorial, it says: "It should be part of the Church a more explicit word ... if we met an hour reminder of the duty to clarify, to respond to serious allegations as serious and to ask the opinion of the judiciary, the strong church-state relationship, also built by Berlusconi

, would make a valuable contribution to the country. " It seems like nothing, seem only printed words. But it is a desperate appeal: the major Italian newspaper asks, begs the intervention of the Pope in Italy because no one else can, wants, or imagine to intervene. And 'the invocation of an external power, is like calling the United Nations, is a desperate prayer for the Pope lay spells spells ... what? What do you feel in the air, along with and not coincidentally, Aldo Cazzullo e il suo direttore Ferruccio de Bortoli, Luigi La Spina, Ugo Magri e il loro direttore Mario Calabresi?
Avvertono che il confine è stato varcato, che bisogna tornare indietro, che il “caso Italia” è entrato in terra “sudamericana” e si allontana dalla democrazia. I due giornali “avvertono” nel senso che leggono e capiscono quel che accade e  provano ad “avvertire” un pò sommessamente la pubblica opinione. Ma quelli che leggono i giornali sono cinque milioni su sessanta di italiani e quelli in grado di decriptarli molti, molti meno.
Stabilire che i giudici possono, rather must be punished at the hands of the government, to establish that the house of Prime Minister is "delegificata area" and that the prime minister can not be held accountable for its actions "private" and can take on police at his pleasure also in the affirmative falsehood is to establish that Italy starts in land unknown to Western democracy.
The program, attitudes, claiming to the bitter end to impunity, the law in incubation to punish the judges give body and unfortunately make it even more now that word never thought of having to speak in our country: "Dictatorship ". A government that is assigned as a program to "punish the judges" shall be "entered in the land of the South American mold, with their backs on democracy and dictatorship on the horizon.
A democratic government and Western Europe can not and should not even consider punishing the judges. May appeal against their actions and judgments to other judges, but "punish" ever.
We are free and democracy because those judges are independent and nothing we can order them. But this is inconceivable for Berlusconi, would like them to his service.
Adapted from

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Head Lights On During Rai

BAR Avenue - Ortona (CH)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Master Of Ceremony Quotes For Welcoming

There Will our heroes ...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Flexible Plastic Shower Doors

last challenge ... Construction Lounge Bar Avenue in Ortona (CH)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Enhancing Communication Skills

The question of Mirafiori.

The Italian political scene has been characterized in recent weeks, finally, by a vigorous debate on the world of work.
was time, given the dismal quality of the issues recently addressed by the policy, focusing on the problems of a person rather than on those of the community.
I do not consciously insert in the ideological debate between those who support no matter who the exploiters and the exploited.

E 'was approved by the company collective agreement between Fim, Uilm, UGL, the union Yellow Fismic and Fiat, which has some negative sensational news reports industriali italiane.

Il no della Fiom è giustificato dalla mancanza di titolarità giuridica a firmare contratti ledenti diritti fondamentali dei lavoratori.

Tale posizione, da chi non sa o fa finta di non sapere le nuove condizioni introdotte, è stata tacciata di ideologismo o addirittura di rigido formalismo.

Eccettuando la rimodulazione degli orari e dei turni in 4 diversi schemi, su cui anche la Fiom si è detta disponibile a firmare, viene introdotto il mancato pagamento del primo giorno di malattia se il numero degli assenti dal 2013 supera il 3,5% .

Size brutal but apparently also needed to combat absenteeism, they say. Too bad that same are reduced by 10 minutes breaks and the possibility, as is already now in Pomigliano, to put at the end of the shift lunch break, de facto abolished .

In addition, the company may unilaterally to work 10 hours a day plus a mandatory overtime, keeping the previous 40 minutes break (provided for 8 hours), but without the lunch break.

Now, I do not think that should be the physiatrists and physical therapists to understand what happens to the workforce under such conditions.

E 'scientifically proven to work 11 hours standing in line, with few breaks and no food creates serious health problems.

will increase occupational diseases which, however, especially during peak winter influenza are not paid.

And if you strike for better working conditions will be considered breach of contract of the contract, as are violations of the truce, which, first time in Europe, will be reflected in disciplinary action up to dismissal of the workers themselves and not only in sanctions on the trade unions may promoters.

With all due respect to Article 40 of the Constitution.

The election of union representatives will be abolished in its entirety at the factory and there will be only the union representatives of trade unions subscribers, in equal measure, that is not proportional to their weight, as required by the Charter of the Corporate unions Labour in 1927.

pace again with the most basic democratic principles of a civilized country.

Who in politics has said it was necessary to keep up with the competitiveness of other countries.

A costoro ricordo che la pausa pranzo nel turno c’è in tutte le grandi fabbriche cinesi, in Polonia, Germania e persino negli stabilimenti Crysler di Detroit (dove però non vi è la mensa, ma il pranzo al sacco).

A Pomigliano e probabilmente a Mirafiori no.

E’ opportuno ricordare che già ora, ad esempio alla Fiat di Melfi, più del 25% degli operai soffre di patologie muscolari e spinali e sono considerati lavoratori fisicamente “sottoproduttivi”.

Anche qui non bisogna essere appartenenti al personale medico per intuire le conseguenze potenzialmente devastanti for the body of the workers with the new conditions, it being understood that, with the new contract, you will be fired if the occupational disease makes the employee unsuitable to the possible functions they could play in his contractual status. Claiming the lunch break, not a right or culinary laziness, it is the right to work without breaking your muscles.

All these worse conditions will be rewarded with 45 € gross per month resulting in more than 10 minutes from the break not taken in less than a day.

Who says that, to compensate for the worst conditions, better pay consciously lies, given that the alleged € 3700 gross per year in potential resulting from the equally extraordinary potential (now mandatory), which, God forbid, they are paid everywhere.

Mr. Marchionne on the other hand will continue to receive approximately € 4.5 million a year plus stock options (taxed only at 12.5%), and will continue to not be accountable to no one of his Bankruptcy industrial policy.

In fact, while this particular top managers enjoys doing the pick of the Italian industrial relations, Fiat lost significant market share worldwide, reaching almost to lose 5% of the Italian in less than a year.

This is obvious, Marchionne wants to stay on the market with only three models now obsolete (Panda, Punto Evo, Bravo), and with shrewd foresight, has planned the release of new models (still never seen even in pictures) only at the end of 2012.

And who asks him to give an account of his failed industrial policy, he replies that it's all because of the global crisis and today the workers, you know, time delays are also responsible for the design industry and design.

In all the positions Fiom expressed perfectly in line with a democratic union and worthy of name, proving to be fully available to corporate reorganization and timetables, but snug on matters which are neither formal nor ideological, but which belong to the sphere of constitutional rights, social and democratic rights.

I am in complete agreement on the A to Z with the findings of the Secretary-General Fiom Landini, but personally I have a different position on the issue of signing a "technical".

When the new contract terms will be fully implemented, over time begin to emerge early problems described above.

Unions Yellow petitioners will not meet in protecting workers in the contract, they have not done in the negotiations, they will not later.

And without the Fiom inside the factory the company will have carte blanche.

hope that the Fiom sign turandosi nose, eyes, mouth and ears and get in Mirafiori, and the mobilization and struggle sprouts in his throat to Marchionne this legal abomination.

Why the crisis world must learn that the sins of others can not always blame fall on those who do not.

Niccolò Della Lucilla

member National Assembly Left Ecology Freedom

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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Frattini on the side of the Tunisian butcher

12/01/2011 18:51

Attenzione: apre in una nuova finestra. PDF Mark Bascetta ( Stampa The plastic face and digital voice, so much so that the suspicion of a mechanical doll, tend to evaporate into thin air from which set out from our wickedness and nonsense Minister of Foreign Affairs. In just the stress and the media will often refer aseptically and distracted. Among the first definition of the deal looms Wikileaks as a "September 11 of diplomacy" and the consequent assimilation of Assange to Osama bin Laden. Among the early second statement of solidarity, the sides 'side' of the governments of Algiers and Tunis to meet with a ruthless suppression of the riots and popular youth resulting from a dramatic decline in living conditions and prospects for the future. With what impudence, while the streets of Tunis and Algiers are contaminated with an unknown number of casualties but rather, it is quick to distribute awards of merit in governments based sulla repressione e la corruzione? Se l'Europa, La Francia e la Germania condannano fermamente le violenze e chiedono il rilascio dei molti dissidenti detenuti nelle carceri algerine e tunisine, il nostro elegante manichino si affretta ad assicurare il suo plauso incondizionato ai due governi «che hanno avuto coraggio e hanno pagato con il sangue dei propri cittadini gli attacchi del terrorismo». Ma non è sangue dei propri cittadini, quello che è stato fatto scorrere abbondante in questi giorni? Sangue di cittadini strangolati dal carovita o di giovani e studenti derubati, come in tanti altri paesi mediterranei, il nostro compreso, di ogni possibile futuro? E non solo dalla crisi globale che tutto e tutti attanaglia, ma dagli appetiti e dai privilegi che i clan al potere e le loro clientele difendono con ogni mezzo. Da una distribuzione della ricchezza scandalosamente iniqua. Per l'automa della Farnesina si tratta direttamente di terroristi o di "effetti collaterali" della lotta contro il terrorismo? Il governo italiano ha forse accreditato il risibile teorema del presidente tunisino Ben Ali secondo cui le proteste di piazza sarebbero fomentate da oscure potenze straniere e magari da Al Qaeda in persona, piuttosto che dal disastro sociale di cui il suo lunghissimo regno si è reso responsabile? E-mail Ancora una volta l'Italia si distingue indecentemente nel contesto di una Unione europea che pur non eccelle nella condanna della repressione, quando a esercitarla siano governi «amici». Certo, la diplomazia si ispira al principio di «non ingerenza negli affari interni» ed è obbligata a un linguaggio tortuoso e allusivo, detto, appunto, diplomatico. Ma quando non ha il coraggio di denunciare, ha almeno la facoltà di tacere. Neppure gli interessi più inconfessabili richiedono di applaudire alla macelleria cui stiamo assistendo. Bisogna metterci in più una cospicua dose di stupidità. C'è ancora qualcuno in Parlamento in grado di chiedere a Frattini di render conto delle sue vergognose esternazioni? Ai dissidenti e ai perseguitati che dovessero lasciare la Tunisia o l'Algeria in cerca di asilo converrà dare un fraterno consiglio: con l'aria che tira guardatevi dall'Italia, un paese il cui governo vi considera tutti terrorists or friends of terrorists and will not hesitate to extradite, handing you back to your persecutors. In these grim warnings is now reduced our democracy.

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INPS pensions to hide the truth to avoid facing precarious

INPS President Antonio Mastrapasqua
has finally responded to
asked why the ' Social Security does not provide the simulation of their precarious future pension as it does with other workers: "If we give the simulation of quasi-employees pension risk a social upheaval." I
precarious, the workers

parasubordinati come si chiamano per l'INPS gli "imprenditori di loro stessi" creati dalle politiche neoliberiste, non avranno la pensione. Pagano contributi inutilmente o meglio: li pagano perché L'INPS possa pagare la pensione a chi la maturerà. Per i 
parasubordinati la pensione non arriverà alla minima
, nemmeno se il parasubordinato riuscirà, nella sua carriera lavorativa, a non perdere neppure un anno di contribuzione.
, sperando che se ne accorgano il più tardi possibile e che do not mess possible.

You may not notice

as well as the policy is silent on this scandal
, but one might expect otherwise, because this scandal has helped to determine all the parties currently represented in parliament, with no exceptions. The precarious L'Inps nasconde la verità sulle pensioni ai precari per evitare rivolte
, kept in the dark or too busy surviving, Mastropasqua hardly notice the declaration of the Corriere della Sera and the media seem to really want to not ruin their surprise. Just a nice surprise.