Friday, January 21, 2011

Stockholm Brazilian Waxing

Berlusconi urges Italy to the dictatorship!

The New York Times front-page invokes the intervention of Pope and two articles in La Stampa, respectively, appears the word "dictatorship" and the other the image of South American stamps Vaghi in tone, this happens aftermath of the last attack Berlusconi, that the "judges to punish" and "Breaking My home is against the Constitution" ... If this is so, and unfortunately this is so, what is really happening? In the Corriere della Sera, front-page editorial, it says: "It should be part of the Church a more explicit word ... if we met an hour reminder of the duty to clarify, to respond to serious allegations as serious and to ask the opinion of the judiciary, the strong church-state relationship, also built by Berlusconi

, would make a valuable contribution to the country. " It seems like nothing, seem only printed words. But it is a desperate appeal: the major Italian newspaper asks, begs the intervention of the Pope in Italy because no one else can, wants, or imagine to intervene. And 'the invocation of an external power, is like calling the United Nations, is a desperate prayer for the Pope lay spells spells ... what? What do you feel in the air, along with and not coincidentally, Aldo Cazzullo e il suo direttore Ferruccio de Bortoli, Luigi La Spina, Ugo Magri e il loro direttore Mario Calabresi?
Avvertono che il confine è stato varcato, che bisogna tornare indietro, che il “caso Italia” è entrato in terra “sudamericana” e si allontana dalla democrazia. I due giornali “avvertono” nel senso che leggono e capiscono quel che accade e  provano ad “avvertire” un pò sommessamente la pubblica opinione. Ma quelli che leggono i giornali sono cinque milioni su sessanta di italiani e quelli in grado di decriptarli molti, molti meno.
Stabilire che i giudici possono, rather must be punished at the hands of the government, to establish that the house of Prime Minister is "delegificata area" and that the prime minister can not be held accountable for its actions "private" and can take on police at his pleasure also in the affirmative falsehood is to establish that Italy starts in land unknown to Western democracy.
The program, attitudes, claiming to the bitter end to impunity, the law in incubation to punish the judges give body and unfortunately make it even more now that word never thought of having to speak in our country: "Dictatorship ". A government that is assigned as a program to "punish the judges" shall be "entered in the land of the South American mold, with their backs on democracy and dictatorship on the horizon.
A democratic government and Western Europe can not and should not even consider punishing the judges. May appeal against their actions and judgments to other judges, but "punish" ever.
We are free and democracy because those judges are independent and nothing we can order them. But this is inconceivable for Berlusconi, would like them to his service.
Adapted from


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