Saturday, January 22, 2011

Traditional Iranian Dress

a catwalk into a decline-Silvio the martyr persecuted by the communists I and abandoned by the church

Armageddon Knight "this time winner takes all"
"I have 74 years to me is the final war. If I lose, I villas"
by Republic CLAUDIO TITO
"This for me is the final battle. It is a game with no additional recovery is not there. There is for me, I have 74 years, and for no other. If I win, I go continue until 2020. Otherwise ...". Do not you dare disturb the Armageddon, but his words are now taking an apocalyptic tone. Silvio Berlusconi considers the war against the Milan magistrates "definitive", "no revenge." At the end of which, "who takes all precedence." And in everything there is to the Quirinal, which will be renewed in the spring of 2013.
The prime minister - told his loyalists - blind every move and start to distrust almost everyone. "I see that not all I should like to defend. Many in the PDL and the League will take away. As if they wanted capire come va a finire. Solo qualcuno ci sta davvero mettendo la faccia. Ma sappiano che ai rigori vincerò io e allora mi ricorderò di quanto sta avvenendo ora". Tanti dubbi, enormi sospetti. Che ieri, ad esempio, hanno ripreso corpo durante il consiglio dei ministri. Quando il titolare dell'Economia ha illustrato ai colleghi tutte le difficoltà legate al federalismo: "È un progetto equilibrato, ma non abbiamo la maggioranza né nella commissione bicamerale né in commissione Bilancio". Frase che ha acuito le perplessità del Cavaliere soprattutto con le parole finali pronunciate da Tremonti: "Dobbiamo decidere se andare avanti o meno... ".
Del resto, nel centrodestra tutti si stanno preparando una escape. The "numbers" of the House do not offer guarantees to anyone. The specter of an executive "technical" hovers constantly at Palazzo Chigi. And also the proposal to postpone the Third Pole in June's vote on the decree for the municipal taxes has been accessed just like trying to get into a "phase" in which early polls become impossible. And the need for another government, in a crisis, it would be imperative.
"But I - feel - do not let up on anyone. Not even John. I resign only when an explicit vote of no confidence." The ghosts then multiplied after the sinking of the Pope and rap the head of state. Of which Berlusconi begins to distrust. "Too prone recently - he complained yesterday - to go along with the opposition. "One pincer, in short, tight and increasingly from which seeks to avoid. So much so that the church hierarchy with the last attempt mediation on February 11 at the reception for the anniversary of the Lateran Pacts. It is hoped that next Monday the President of the CEI Bagnasco is softer than the Secretary of State Bertone. not alone. His doubts are not just about "politics" but the whole establishment which took office in recent years. "If I go over this one, everything changes," he repeats. And his reference is to the top of the services and security, to big public authorities and Rai, the judiciary and state-controlled companies. Not by chance has already decided to take a pause for reflection, particularly in view of the spring round of appointments that will invest in many of the shares held by the Treasury. Not to mention that even the so-called "great powers" - in his opinion - seem more distant. "You have seen what he's doing the Courier?" He vented.
For this, the Knight to play all out. "It's the final battle," he repeats. The unknowns, however, are many. Starting with the weapons that the Milan prosecutors have available. A Palazzo Chigi, in fact, studying every move in the certainty that the prosecutors in Milan have not exhausted their shots. Their fear is concentrated on any other interception in which the prime minister to speak in person. "What else can go?" He asks. Just as you wonder about the tightness of the coalition. Including that of the League. For now, Umberto Bossi has made in defense of his friend Silvio. But the basis of the Carroccio quivers. Suffice it to say that the other day Radio Padania had to stop after ten minutes, the direct line to the militants: too many insults to the President of Ruby on the case.
The tactics developed at Via del Plebiscito, however, has no alternative. "Let's go forward." Without election and accepting the maximum bet. "The polls - is the mantra of the Knight - I still give a 50% rating. After all this mess I lost only 0.6%. "It takes time.'m Sure the sentence will be delayed by a return to Milan Look jurisdiction. Determined to get to vote in local elections at the end of May for the first income rationem:" I'll go down in field and give yourself a nice hit. "You ready for the new campaign posters 3x6. Bossi on federalism convinced to pursue a line of autonomy from the opposition:" In the decrees of the Committee will have a tie vote and nothing will prevent the board Ministerial vararli anyway. "All this to get to the" final battle "." If I win, I'm going to continue until 2020. Otherwise I have so many houses ... ".


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