the Journal of March 19, 2008, directed by Mario Giordano, entitled "E Ferrero gives 16 million to nomads, Arci gay cinema," signed by Mariateresa Conti, were contained information on Paolo Ferrero, all ' time Minister of Social Solidarity, as a result of appropriate controls, were found in some parts wrong.
Ministerial decree (that the article was presented as a 'contribution to rain for friends. A few weeks before the vote) but represented the unavoidable conclusion of a fair and transparent procedure for the public for the allocation of funds arranged by the Finance Act of 2007, made by leaders of the Directorate General of the Ministry, without any interference of the Minister.
The decree was signed by Minister Ferrero, therefore, the due performance of statutory duty, whose failure would not only have made failure to act, but would have paralyzed the implementation of initiatives of public and social services network in favor of the most disadvantaged citizens. Then the article gave a false representation of facts which probably damaged the image of the then Minister Paolo Ferrero and the political parties representing. The paper clarifies the facts, they are represented in accordance with the ethics of communication and concludes by writing: "d ed note of this, we apologize, then, with the person concerned and to our readers." Ferrero said: "It 's very gratifying that on the anniversary of the founding of the Italian Communist Party, The Journal of the Berlusconi family should recognize the existence of a sign of moral and civic integrity that has defined my work as minister of the Communist Social Solidarity. "
The national secretary of the PRC / Federation of the Left, Paolo Ferrero, comments with the words" apology "published today by the journal on the disposal of the court following the complaint lodged by the Ferrero himself as a minister against the newspaper, March 19, 2008 that was titled: "E Ferrero regala 16 milioni a nomadi, gay e cinema Arci". "Le nostre scuse a Ferrero: mai abusato di fondi pubblici", titola la rettifica pubblicata a pagina 10 dell'edizione odierna del Giornale, reperibile integralmente al seguente indirizzo internet:
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