Gaeta, delivery of three patrol boats to the Italian Coast Guard Libyan - Photos:
Italy is not only a major trading partners Libya, but it is the largest European exporter of arms to the regime of Gaddafi. The European Union reports on the export of military materials and systems ( here the latest report and analysis ) certify that in the 2008-2009 period Italy authorized to own firms sending arms to Libya for more than 205 million € that cover more than one third (34.5%) of ; any authorization issued by the EU (about 595 million euro). Among the other European countries than in the recent two years have given the go-ahead for the export of arms to Qaddafi's military machines, include France (143 million euro), the small Malta (almost € 80 million), Germany (57 million), the United Kingdom (53 million) and Portugal (21 million).
Unlike colleagues European Foreign Minister Frattini refrained from reporting even the temporary suspension of arms supplies to Gaddafi. Yet since I started street demonstrations in several countries of North Africa there have been statements to that effect of the main European registries. He started
France announcing the suspension of Egypt not only military systems but also of any explosive material or for maintaining public order, including tear gas. Continued Germany declaring the cessation of arms supplies to Egypt showing specific "concern for human rights violations in response to the protests" by law enforcement officials close to President Mubarak. On 17 February the France had then extended stop arms sales to Libya and Bahrain also . The same British Foreign Office, initially unwilling to permit the use of English weapons against the population in Manama , the day after he dismissed several arms export approvals in Bahrain and Libya . Among the major European exporters of arms only Italy silent.
Yet there have been stresses. After the first riots in the countries of North Africa, Network Disarmament and the peace table had explicitly asked the Italian government to suspend all military cooperation with Algeria, Egypt and Tunisia and in fact with all the countries of 'area. Such requests are submitted by pacifist groups in Germany, France and the United Kingdom. The governments which, initially refractory , they had to respond to public opinion. Only the Minister Frattini is deaf to all solicitations. I'm not sure
peanuts business in Italian military weapons industries with Colonel Gaddafi, starting from those controlled Finmeccanica. The Italian holding company is owned by a majority (32.5%) from the Ministry of Economy, but has as its second largest shareholder in the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA), the Libyan government authority which has a market share of 2.01% : quota Gaddafi seeks to expand up to 3% of the capital to impose on the Board some of his trusted men, and still even now allow it to elect Up to four delegates .
Since in 2004 the EU lifted the embargo alla Libia , le esportazioni di armamenti italiani al regime del colonnello Gheddafi hanno visto un crescendo impressionante . Si è passati dai poco meno di 15 milioni di euro del 2006 ai quasi 57 milioni del 2007 . Ma è soprattutto nell’ultimo biennio – anche a seguito del “ Trattato di amicizia, partenariato e cooperazione tra Italia e Libia ” firmato a Bengasi nell’agosto del 2008 dal presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi e dal leader della Rivoluzione, Muammar El Gheddafi – che le esportazioni di armamenti italiani verso le coste libiche hanno preso slancio. L’articolo 20 del Trattato prevede infatti “un forte ed ampio industry partnership in the field of defense and military industries, as well as the development of "cooperation in the field of defense between their armed forces." It started with then 93 million euro in 2008 and continued in 2009 with almost 112 million € they do today 's Italy Europe's leading provider - and probably the world - ; weapons to Colonel Qaddafi . The aseptic
Relations Council Presidency on military exports in recent years speak of generic "aircraft ( Report 2006, Table P.)," land vehicles "and also" aircraft "( Report 2007, Table 18), but then also" bombs, torpedoes, rockets , missiles and accessories "and" equipment Fire control "and used" aircraft "(2008 Report , Table 15) and more recently all of the above with the addition of more generic" eBay "and" equipment for the viewing of images "( Report 2009, Table 15).
Spulciando le più corpose Relazioni annuali si scopre qualcosa di più: nel 2006 è stata autorizzata l’esportazione a Tripoli di due elicotteri AB109 militari dell’Agusta del valore di quasi 15 milioni di euro. Nel 2007 sempre l’Agusta ha incassato 54 milioni di euro per l’ ammodernamento degli aeromobili CH47. Nel 2008 è stato dato il via libera per l’esportazione di otto elicotteri A109 per 59,9 milioni di euro sempre dell’Agusta e all’Alenia Aeronautica per un aeromobile ATR42 Maritime Patrol del valore di 29,8 milioni euro. In 2009 two other dell'Agusta AW139 helicopters for approximately 24.9 million and almost € 3 million for "spare parts and training for aircraft of Alenia Aermacchi F260W, but also an authorization MBDA Italian , a leader in the global missile systems, to materials which are not authorized tracks (if not the number: MAE 18,160) worth € 2,519,771.
not seem a small thing a little more than 2.2 million € and "spare parts and training" of the aircraft of Alenia Aermacchi F260W: Libya has in fact F260W about 250 aircraft, "a disproportionate number, considering also that it is the model armabile - analysts note. "These aircraft were originally SIAI Marchetti , which are used as trainers in Europe, but in Africa and Latin America are often used as bombers were sold Libyan Air Force in the Seventies. It had been bought 240, now you do not know how many are in service. In 2006 a number of these aircraft were transferred to Chadian armed forces who have used them to bombard the rebels on the border con il Sudan ” – ricorda Enrico Casale .
Nella sua approfondita inchiesta sulle esportazioni di armamenti italiani alla Libia dal titolo “ Roma-Tripoli: compagni d’armi ”, il giornalista del mensile Popoli , evidenzia inoltre che Finmeccanica e la Libyan Investment Authority hanno stretto ulteriormente i loro rapporti il 28 luglio 2009 con un nuovo accordo: si tratta di un’intesa generale attraverso la quale la holding di piazza Montegrappa e il fondo sovrano si impegnano a creare una nuova joint-venture (con capitale di 270 milioni di euro ) attraverso la quale gestiranno industrial investment and business in Libya, but also in other African countries. The first result was an agreement signed by Selex Sistemi Integrati, a subsidiary of Finmeccanica, and the Libyan government, a contract worth 300 million euro , which provides for the creation of a system of "protection and security" Libya's southern border to curb immigration.
Perhaps that is why the Minister Frattini is to intervene in trouble when he hears talk of sanctions against the Libyan leader. The should be noted that Law 185 of 1990 and the European Union's Common Position on arms exports ask to check the " rispetto dei diritti umani nel paese di destinazione finale e il rispetto del diritto internazionale umanitario da parte di detto paese” e di rifiutare le esportazione di armamenti “qualora esista un rischio evidente che la tecnologia o le attrezzature militari da esportare possano essere utilizzate a fini di repressione interna”.
Proprio per evitare questo tipo di utilizzo, Francia, Germania e Regno Unito hanno deciso nei giorni scorsi di sospendere le esportazioni militari a diversi paesi tra cui la Libia. Il ministro degli Esteri italiano, invece tace. Che sia all’oscuro delle dichiarazioni dei suoi colleghi?
Intanto il ministro della Difesa, La Russa conferma da Abu Dhabi che la nave della marina militare Elettra è stata mobilitata per far fronte alla emergenza creata dalla crisi in Libia. La Russa si trova negli Emirati Arabi per una non ben specificata (dai media italiani) “ visita ufficiale ”. Guarda caso proprio nell’emirato dove è in corso l’ International Defence Exhibition and Conference ( IDEX 2011 ), “il più grande salone espositivo su difesa e sicurezza nel Medio Oriente e nel Nord Africa”. Al quale non potevano mancare tutte le maggiori industrie italiane di armamenti . Specialmente Finmeccanica che ha realizzato " un padiglione all'avanguardia in linea con i principi espressi nel suo Rapporto di sostenibilità ". E per cercare nuovi acquirenti in un’area che è sicuramente di "interesse strategico" adesso che diversi dittatori sono in bilico.