di Monica Donini
Qualche giorno fa i Consiglieri del Gruppo del Popolo delle Libertà hanno presentato all’Assemblea Legislativa dell’Emilia-Romagna una proposta di legge riguardante la “ Riforma e riqualificazione dei Consultori familiari”, il testo della norma è la fotocopia di quello presentato, dalla stessa forza politica, presso il Consiglio Regionale del Lazio, cosa che già di per sé la dice lunga sull’intento tutto propagandistico e ideologico dell’iniziativa, iniziativa che non tiene conto dei diversi contesti regionali e che viene pubblicizzata all’esterno attraverso una parziale divulgazione dei dati relativi al funzionamento dei nostri Consultori, se non una vera e propria manipolazione of the same.
The main purpose of the measure is to intervene on the women who require the abortion, requiring them, including through the active presence of volunteering within the public advice, obligation ; to submit to a "first action" under which: (Article 13) "... the Counseling offers to women and couples, with adequate disciplinary councils and the recognition of the primary value of life, protection of motherhood and of the child conceived ... "" ... this "first action" si chiude con il consenso o dissenso informato della donna –risultante da apposita verbalizzazione- alle proposte del Consultorio”.
Solo successivamente e a fronte della verbalizzazione del dissenso da parte della donna alle proposte avanzate dal Consultorio si potrà aprire “… il “secondo procedimento”, già disciplinato dalla legge sull’interruzione volontaria della gravidanza del 22 maggio 1978, n. 194”
Insomma, nell’articolato proposto è esplicita l’intenzione di non applicare correttamente la Legge della Repubblica 194/78, prevedendo come obbligatorie procedure che l’articolo 5 of Law 194, shown as assets only if requested by the woman (Law 194/78 art. 5: "The counseling and social-health, in addition to providing the necessary medical tests, are responsible in each case, and especially ; when the demand for abortion is attributed to the effect of economic conditions or social or family on the health of pregnant women, to examine the woman and the father of the unborn, where the woman permits, respect for the dignity and privacy of women and person named as the father of the unborn, the possible solutions to problems proposed ... "), putting, so, question his choice.
is also clear that this option is not available in the individual regions as well as the Regional Administrative Court of Lombardy and the Council of State, ruling on the legality of the Guidelines for the implementation of Lombard 194/78, have recently ruled, in fact blocking the application of rules similar to those proposed by the Board of freedom for the people of Emilia-Romagna.
A justification of the reasons for this decision, the Board proposing to loudly denounce an alleged emergency situation that affects our region, where the practice of abortion, they say, is the size of a "mass murder", overlapping, so the image of the "Third Reich" on one of our Consultants, portrayed as real "abortifici" is Indeed, asked indignantly, "why over 62% of the certificates required in our public hospitals come from the voluntary interruption of pregnancy Consultants, when the national average is only 37%?
Yeah, why?
The answer is that in Emilia-Romagna, unlike other regions, since 1975, the National Law which provided for the establishment, the public network family planning clinics has grown and spread in a widespread manner to reach the current 212 seats (of which 31 spaces and 17 spaces for young immigrant women and their children). This allows people in our region free access to a range of services and performance in primary care, with particular vocation for the area of \u200b\u200bwomen's health, when they have multi-disciplinary team (obstetrician, gynecologist, psychologist , social worker and other professionals locally identified as a nutritionist, dietician, urologist, geneticist, breast specialist, etc..), thereby shortening the application fee to doctors, I remember, as required by 194, can alternatively Consultants, certify the request for voluntary termination of pregnancy.
The region provides them, too, "connected" to the network of social services so that they may, subject to their governance, their responsibility for health, and the exclusive presence in them of public works, on Women's request, provide information on the possibilities offered assistance by local and / or the reality of local voluntary associations and
The function of the Consultants that is monitored by the Regional annually disseminates the data on their activity and these data objectively contradict the suggestion, advanced instrumentally by some political parties, that their action is focused only to make it "easy recourse to abortion" as if it were not for women a "easy practice" and not a drama.
But let's get to the data in 2008, for example, / users who have turned to the network of Consultants have been 475,229, the 34.2% of those in receipt of benefits for early detection of female cancers, the 23.8 % were made to assist during pregnancy, 18.7% required gynecological, 6.7% sought and obtained prescriptions for contraception, and only 2.3% were the certifications for the voluntary interruption of pregnancy.
In this regard I consider it useful to reflect fully the Councillor a passage in the report "Policies for Health" on the appeal on the voluntary interruption of pregnancy in Emilia-Romagna in 2008:
"The number of ; Induced abortions performed in the region in 2008 was $ 11,124 (-1.3% compared to 2007). Even after the sharp fall in the first 15 years following the implementation of Act 194 of 1978, the voluntary interruption of pregnancy confirms the downward trend in absolute value. Even more relevant in the face of continued growth, particularly in the last 5-6 years, the female population of childbearing age residing in Emilia-Romagna. The abortion rate Regional (IVG per 1000 females aged 15-49) thus confirming a trend of decline, coming in 2008 at a rate of 9.3 ‰ (in 1988 was 13.5 ‰, and in 2005 was 10.0 ‰). Similarly, the continuing decline in the ratio abortion (Abortions per 1000 born residents), due both to fewer abortions and the increase in the number of births (the 2008 figure is equal to 215 ‰ with a drop of almost 5% over the previous year). "
In 2009, a decline by a further 2.7% compared to 2008.
This demonstrates the effectiveness of the efforts undertaken by our Consultants as places of socio-health safeguards for the public promotion of preventive point of reference for the health needs of women, set respect for the law 194/78, the dignity, the right to privacy and freedom of women, as is also confirmed by the latest regional guidelines approved in 2008.
Monica Donini
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