Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Play Undf Format


David Casartelli by BLG Working Class
The country is spreading the mafia organized crime control, while at various social levels, the so-called law of public scrutiny,
in both local and national bodies, sinks into a muddy swamp in which cross-waving gang of scoundrels and ruffians of various types and gender, all interested in the "cohesion and social peace" that does not disturb the current affairs and that, by hook or by crook, with a right-wing government or a "left" must be maintained, even tax ... This is despite the usual jabbering Pharisees should be based on the law as a condition of the rule of law and democracy, both in Italy in all of their content and the most oppressive forms.
It is obvious, even to the blind, whether for economic, financial and in that of social relations (whether these are can call in a context of exploitation and oppression of one class - the bourgeoisie - against another - the proletariat -), legality and illegality are melted in a mixture suitable for any use and consumption for the interests and privileges of the ruling class. Now openly speaking of mafias penetrated the political institutions, the judiciary, in law enforcement, in the bureaucracies of the state and region. So De Magistris in Micromega No 5, concludes: "The people have a thirst for justice" ... But just about justice, a popular saying states:
" Justice is written on the sign the gate of the palace. We think only the naive. Log in, scour the entire building and did not find the shade. "
And among the corridors of the Palace is around an anguished President Napolitano, recording the endless list of" corruption and plots of squalid pollutants by cliques. "The ANM echoed the vertices ( judicial robes), who report "situations of opacity, of collusion and connivance."
Dell'Utri, a founder of Forza Italy, celebrated the recent verdict of condemnation of the Court of 'Appeal mangiando cannoli. Ed elogiando “il comportamento eroico di Mangano” (riconosciuto dalla magistratura come capo di mandamento mafioso, come un mafioso di lungo corso…) il quale si รจ sempre rifiutato di accusare Berlusconi: un messaggio che dovrebbe rassicurare i “martiri” di Cosa Nostra in carcere.
Non siamo solo noi a trarre conclusioni di questo tipo: addirittura l’ex ministro degli interni, Pisanu, oggi presidente della Commissione Antimafia, ipotizza “ragionevolmente” il verificarsi — allora… — di: " una convergenza di interessi tra Cosa Nostra, altre organizzazioni criminali, logge massoniche segrete, pezzi diverted institutions, business and politics . "
The economic power of the mafia could not maintain and expand, as is happening everywhere, without proper protection policies," municipal, regional, national and European . Behind the massacres of 1992 and 1993 - still Pisanu said in its report - moved " a tangle of mafia, politics, big business, subversive groups and parts of the state diverted. (...) That same plot several times that we've seen emerge from the bowels of the country. (...) For the massacres there was negotiation between the mafia and the state. And Cosa Nostra still points on the power Political . "
Falcone himself spoke of the presence on the territory of a faction of" bourgeois mafia ", which - now more than ever - has spread to the entire ruling class. Complicity, direct or indirect, is spreading at all levels, improving those " occult centers of power that have other interests - is always talking Falcone, June 21, 1989 - making up the connection points with the leaders of the Cosa Nostra . "
The butchery practiced by Cosa Nostra then involving groups of power" business " Masonic equipment deviant, mysterious "entities", a network of "principals" that have diverted huge false leads on tracks dead. These are the shreds of truth that emerge here and there, complicit in the mountains of so-called "bad apples boxes" intelligence officers, missing evidence, minutes of interrogation and search falsified or destroyed, false targets of investigation, repent driven ...
The most recent interception of "private" conversations between law abiding citizens who are doing "their business", has appeared several times on behalf of Caesar, behind which hide an unknown (but not too much) aspiring emperor of the day. The reference could be adapted to those who know only some aspects of the old character and its history, that the Roman Caesar with his charismatic co partly oligarchic regime, some popular and some monarchy. His opponents - Octavian - is in fact as restorers of the republic. And Caesar was among her admirers also a modern Mussolini (then a Togliatti!) Before the figure of Augustus officially became the symbol of the founding of the Italian Empire, Fascist Italy and Savoy, against the East. Then, in turn, was replaced by Augusto Mazzini of fascism by the Republican ...
Meanwhile, the people - apart from some signs of impatience that the proletarian component begins to increase for another - is the taxpayer, with a "public opinion" media-manipulated from above, a middle class that makes the accounts in your pocket Fearing the worst, a working class beaten, confused and disunited. Which circulate in the pipers of the "left" in pursuit - as Vendola - the dream of "a ruling class that is not there and we have to invent" ... first of all defend and save the Constitution and with an eye to Vatican . For the good and the national future ...


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