In Milan, more than 60,000 people took to the streets. The announcement was made from the stage, as people began dancing to the tune of 'I want a scandal' Gianna Nannini. Then, at the invitation of the hostess Teresa Mannino, all waved white scarves a symbol of the event in Milan.
In Palermo twenty thousand people, according to estimates by the CGIL, participated this morning in the square to the event which took place with a procession from Piazza to Piazza Massimo Croci, with live performances and debates. The CGIL, which has endorsed the event, this was without its own symbol but with different sheets and hand-painted banner with the slogan "Berlusconi, we will have already resigned." Union militants were wearing a yellow shirt with the inscription "I am woman and I say enough. " Peak membership is also the manifestation of Bologna. So much so that organizers had to extend the route of the procession, which deflected and has reached and invaded the Piazza Maggiore. The snake, made up of several thousand people (6,000 for law enforcement officers, 20,000 for the organizers) had departed from Piazza XX Serttembre, near the train
Uno slogan per sedici piazze ha attraversato la Sardegna da Nord a Sud: Se non ora quando ha unito uomini donne, senza bandiere, migliaia fianco a fianco nella mobilitazione per la dignità e l’orgoglio femminile. Che poi si è trasformata in una battaglia trasversale, mossa da una sola convinzione: “Un’altra Italia è possibile, perché noi donne, oggi, lo abbiamo deciso”, ha detto Luisa Sassu, della Cgil di Cagliari, nell’intervento that the initiative has opened in the capital, near the port of Via Roma. Events organized by the committees spontaneous births during the last two weeks has joined the union anywhere from Gavoi Temple until Sassari and Cagliari, then Nuoro, Olbia, Oristano and Carbonia. From ten o'clock this morning an unexpected crowd by the promoters themselves, filled the square Cagliari. A quiet square and composed, attentive to the words spoken from the stage, where they alternate interventions planned for artists, actors and Rita Atzeri Elio Round Arthemalle, the singer Clara Murtas, other witnesses, born there on time. There were young women, claiming a society based on merit, without shortcuts and compromises. There were women of great struggles of the sixties and seventies that the streets are already gone but it was not enough, because equality of opportunity in Italy are still only a statement of intent. Above all, the only flag in pink that stood on the stage, there were fathers and husbands, men who do not identify with certain models and want to share this struggle with the women against the debasement of the female role and the degradation of politics and its mechanisms of selection.
"If this thing continues, it would create something great, genuine and overwhelming." This was stated by the chairman of the House Judiciary and Parliamentary The future of freedom and Giulia Bongiorno, from the stage of the event in Rome. In Palermo twenty thousand people, according to estimates by the CGIL, participated this morning in the square to the event which took place with a procession from Piazza to Piazza Massimo Croci, with live performances and debates. The CGIL, which has endorsed the event, this was without its own symbol but with different sheets and hand-painted banner with the slogan "Berlusconi, we will have already resigned." Union militants were wearing a yellow shirt with the inscription "I am woman and I say enough. " Peak membership is also the manifestation of Bologna. So much so that organizers had to extend the route of the procession, which deflected and has reached and invaded the Piazza Maggiore. The snake, made up of several thousand people (6,000 for law enforcement officers, 20,000 for the organizers) had departed from Piazza XX Serttembre, near the train
In Turin, however, according to organizers took to the streets Vittorio approximately 50 000 people. Many have brought umbrellas, not to shelter from the rain but "to protect from the mud that is thrown against women".
Ten thousand participants piazza Libertà a Bari. Un corteo alla fine ha raggiunto piazza del Ferrarese dove simbolicamente le donne si sono staccate di dosso delle etichette con i prezzi. “Né coccodè, né”, questo uno dei cartelli esposti. Uno slogan per sedici piazze ha attraversato la Sardegna da Nord a Sud: Se non ora quando ha unito uomini donne, senza bandiere, migliaia fianco a fianco nella mobilitazione per la dignità e l’orgoglio femminile. Che poi si è trasformata in una battaglia trasversale, mossa da una sola convinzione: “Un’altra Italia è possibile, perché noi donne, oggi, lo abbiamo deciso”, ha detto Luisa Sassu, della Cgil di Cagliari, nell’intervento that the initiative has opened in the capital, near the port of Via Roma. Events organized by the committees spontaneous births during the last two weeks has joined the union anywhere from Gavoi Temple until Sassari and Cagliari, then Nuoro, Olbia, Oristano and Carbonia. From ten o'clock this morning an unexpected crowd by the promoters themselves, filled the square Cagliari. A quiet square and composed, attentive to the words spoken from the stage, where they alternate interventions planned for artists, actors and Rita Atzeri Elio Round Arthemalle, the singer Clara Murtas, other witnesses, born there on time. There were young women, claiming a society based on merit, without shortcuts and compromises. There were women of great struggles of the sixties and seventies that the streets are already gone but it was not enough, because equality of opportunity in Italy are still only a statement of intent. Above all, the only flag in pink that stood on the stage, there were fathers and husbands, men who do not identify with certain models and want to share this struggle with the women against the debasement of the female role and the degradation of politics and its mechanisms of selection.
"Today I think it is a mortal blow for Berlusconi." So Nichi Vendola, leader of Select 'And' a special day. In the squares of all Italy there are hundreds of thousands of women, but also many, many men who refuse to obey a command culture and politics in which the relationship between men and women is a hierarchical relationship. A code in which women are male ornament, prey of the activity 'hunting for a male patient of omnipotence. "
" In Milan, I witnessed something extraordinary. Many people can not even see the stage. A need for dignity and a desire for serenity. Not only women, but many families and people who simply asked for a better Italy and cleaner. " This was stated in a statement the former Prime Minister Romano Prodi. "I believe - he adds - that women have given a great sign when you wake up Italy"
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