Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wisdom Teeth Metallic Taste

All ready to receive the blessing of the Pope ..

Anna Seccia the Pope gives his work a "Summon" during the blessing of the two Maxitel made by artists in Aquila in Abruzzo

Wednesday, December 1, 2010 at 10:30 am in the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI during the General Audience bless two Maxitel made by artists Abruzzo L'Aquila, in the tent made available to the CRI, the Field Centi-Colella, just after the earthquake of April 2009.
The artist Anna Seccia to thank His Holiness Pope Ratzinger for having accepted his request and to sanction this memorable moment and his memory will donate to his Holiness, a copy of the two Maxitel created by artists in Aquila and his painting "Evocation" for the occasion.
Maxitel The two were born at the turn of June-July 2009 with the project Aquilabruzzo Tendatelier conceived and promoted by Anna Seccia, supported Ass. Kaleidos Pescara and ball design, with the help of the critic Antonio Gasbarrini the Ass Angelus Novus de l'Aquila and advice Rosetta Montuoro Rossini.
18 influential artists of all four provinces of Abruzzo, were invited to make granted under a tent by the Red Cross a large collective work entitled "Soqquadro" the size of m. 10 x 2.20, while a second work "Globalaquilart" of the same size was created with the progress happening in Anna Seccia which involved 332 residents of all ages, del Campo Centi-Colella , through a participatory art relational "La Stanza del color" in which it specializes.
Recall that in the original design work "Globalaquilart, leave the boxes blank had to be signed Heads of State present in L'Aquila for the G8, unfortunately institutional problems have not allowed.
papal audience in addition to works by getting the blessing of the artists and all those who contributed to the project Tendatelier.
were invited to participate the President of the Regione Abruzzo Gianni Chiodi, Mauro Regional Councillor for Culture of Dalmatia, the President of the Regional Nazario Pagano, Massimo Cialente and the Mayor of President of the Province of L'Aquila Antonio Del Corvo.
An initiative like that of Aquilabruzzo Tendatelier has never been carried out elsewhere and in similar times and with such a result that demonstrates the strength and character of the people of Abruzzo in a moment so tragic in their lives, all have been in a creative play of cooperation, from artists to ordinary people for a creative reconstruction, widely documented and pictorial story from pregevolezza by the work product.
For the historical evidence that the works are carried out and for their symbolic value, the Ass. Kaleidos intended to address the first Pope to the Holy Blessing proseguire loro un cammino di promozione attraverso mostre itineranti in Italia e in Europa come messaggio d’amore e di fratellanza per poi essere messe all’asta per procurare fondi per la rinascita culturale de l’Aquila.
Ricordiamo che a settembre le opere sono state esposte durante i Campionati Nazionali di Canoa sul lago di Bomba come testimonial d’accoglienza per gli atleti.
Gli artisti che hanno realizzato le opere sono: Sandro Arduini, Domenico Colantoni, Mario Costantini, Giancarlo Costanzo, Giuliano Cotellessa, Silvestro Cutuli, F.abio Di Lizio, Bruno Di Pietro, Stefano Ianni, Marino Meralangelo, Sandro Meralangelo, Gaby Minedi, Albano Paolinelli, Augusto Pelliccione, Massimina Pesce, Anna Seccia, Antonio Spinogatti, Carlo Volpicella.

Halle Berry Catwoman Haircut

Cyrus Aspros, coordination Ecology of Freedom Left to defend the village of Poplar Scroffa

Location Fo Dalarna University Sweden

suspended execution of the black poplar in Borgo Scroffa

Alle ore 7.00 di domenica mattina un nutrito drappello di vicentini, incuranti del cattivo tempo e della giornata festiva, si sono dati appuntamento intorno al monumentale pioppo nero, che da più di 70 anni sovrintende il passaggio all'incrocio di Borgo Scroffa, dirimpetto alle mura medievali e alla vicina Porta di S. Lucia.

Grazie alla mobilitazione di questi cittadini , Some of them to represent the major environmental associations ( Italy Nostra - Legambiente - Committee against unauthorized building ) or political parties ( SEL - IdV ) in various ways to support the Government Variati, it was reached the important result of suspending the cutting of the tree and to obtain guarantees for a comparison with the municipal administration.

Consistent with positions already taken in the past - when the government sat on the city center - was unable to accept the method and motives that are invoked to justify the felling of the tree.

interventions on mobility can not rely on chance or improvisation inspired by the desire of politicians to appear, in other words, not enough traffic circles or simple aeration of the car.

Need a serious study on traffic flows, a plan of parking and a strong investment in favor of public transport, until then the measures will never be decisive and spot more easily prove counterproductive.

Similarly two seedlings are not enough to replace a monumental leafy tree, which is a piece of history. We must learn to have greater care of our collective assets and plants tell us, not least of Palladian buildings or monuments.

If we do not want the maintenance of the green is just a simple wish, to evoke in the elections, we must devote greater financial resources and personnel.

Since the City Council has given any power to AMCPS investments were drastically reduced, and planned interventions, concerning nothing less than the cutting of trees rather than their conservation.

Finally we appeal to the mayor and this majority.

Governing is a complex exercise and delicato, che comporta anche scelte dolorose e impopolari, ma l'imperativo del fare, non giustifica l'arroganza del potere e la negazione del confronto.

Coloro che oggi sono scesi in strada per difendere il diritto alla Partecipazione, sono gli stessi cittadini, animati da senso civico e spirito di solidarietà, che hanno prestato la loro opera nei giorni drammatici dell'alluvione, vorremmo che Variati non se ne dimenticasse .

Ciro Asproso

Coordinamento Sinistra Ecologia Libertà di Vicenza

Cervixfirm Or Soft At Start Of Menstration

The protest is a ray of light in

What is Berlusconi?
It 's the easy and cynical reversal of reality, often aided by the media control. And 'what is happening these days with the law Gelmini.
Researchers and scientists climb on the roofs with their miserable salaries and there they suddenly become a paradox, the barons of the Italian university.
Mind you, the Gelmini and government researchers are the barons, not those who thought or are thinking of some university in the North to grant an honorary degree to the Minister Bossi (not si sa bene peraltro, in base a quale merito scientifico).

La Gelmini insieme a Tremonti annuncia in pompa magna che presto arriverà un miliardo di euro per le università.

E i fondi del finanziamento ordinario del 2010 quando arriveranno negli atenei italiani?
Avete capito bene: non parlo dei fondi per il 2011, ma di quelli del 2010 che a dicembre di quest’anno non sono stati ancora ripartiti e inviati agli atenei.

Una vicenda di un’enormità clamorosa, nel silenzio generale.

La Gelmini denuncia ai quattro venti che nell’università italiana si spreca.

That there are 95 universities well, there are (or were) more than 320 branch offices (often to please the prominent politician in office), there are (or were) 5,000 courses. But the minister Gelmini
used as a location for his public denunciation?

Use cameras in Milan, next to the current mayor, Letizia Moratti, who is the author in a previous Berlusconi government the increase in universities, branch offices, the proliferation of degree courses.

takes just three shining examples to say they have reason to sell those guys, those researchers, teachers who still launch their cry of pain to the political forces that Parliament still a law unnecessary and harmful.
Yes, boys and girls, those teachers, those researchers have a glimpse of light in the night Berlusconi.

are the best Italy.

Nichi Vendola

leftist president Ecology Freedom

Friday, November 26, 2010

Radio Shack Return Policy


Attenzione: apre in una nuova finestra. Un cazzotto all'occhio sinistro e uno dietro all'orecchio. Quindici giorni di prognosi, collare e tachipirina per i dolori. È andata di traverso, martedì sera, la cena al direttore del Tg4, Emilio Fede, aggredito a pugni in mezzo ai commensali della Risacca 6, ristorante della centrale zona Monforte, dieci minuti dal Duomo. Ad aggredire Fede, per questioni che non sembrano assolutamente legate alla politica, è stato Gian Germano 'Pippo' Giuliani, proprietario dell'omonima casa farmaceutica, quella dell'amaro medicinale. La sera successiva, abbondantemente truccato (ma la tumefazione violacea era visibile all'occhio di chi knew), Faith was regularly in the conduct of TG4. "I had the strength to go on the air even though I straparlato - joked - I said it's like I had a hit on the head." PDF Stampa E-mail The businessman was at the table with friends and when he approached the Faith - the two who go way back, there are recent rusts - did not hold back. It would have gone even worse if the police escort of the director of TG4, who had dinner with former player Stefano Bettarini and showgirl Raffaele Zardo, had not locked the 73enne entrepreneur. The two ended the altercation, returned to the table to eat. Faith, however, preferred to call 112 in pain: the director and Giuliani have been identified, the journalist 79enne Messina has promised legal action ("I was threatened with death and I have very serious injuries"), then was taken to the San Raffaele. Where to 2 am came out with a prognosis of 15 days for head injury and neck sprain.
was not the first time, as has been said, that the director crossed Giuliani: "I know, I've seen sometimes in Forte dei Marmi in the summer and one in Milan - he said - We can say it is a friend of friends. " On some Web sites have circulated the idea that aggression is hidden behind a sentimental affair involving the former football Bettarini, but Fede ha detto di non sapere nulla al riguardo: "Non so nulla di storie sentimentali, Bettarini non ha certo bisogno che gli presenti io le donne. Se la conosce, avrà conosciuto da solo la signora Giuliani". Giuliani è sposato in terze nozze con un'ex commessa, Ilenia Iacono, di 38 anni. In precedenza l'imprenditore era stato sposato in prime nozze con Bedy Moratti e in seconde con un'indossatrice: entrambe erano presenti alle nozze con la Iacono, celebrate nel febbraio del 2008 nella villa di famiglia di lui, a Brunate, sul lago di Como. L'aggressione ha causato al direttore del Tg4 "gravissimi danni personali e anche di immagine", ha detto l'avvocato Nadia Alecci. Nella querela the entrepreneur, as well as for injuries, will also denounced the threats to the journalist launched. "It will cost him dear - said the same faith - in terms of both economic and criminal."

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Platypus Outdoor Resin Animals

Entirely hand painted

Monday, November 22, 2010

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^ p. 31) Paolo Ferrero - 1st NATIONAL CONGRESS OF FDS - 21:11:10 (2 ^ p / 2)

How To Tell If My Shoulder Is Fractured

Note the shoes ...

Friday, November 19, 2010

3 Dpo And Lots Of Creamy White Discharge

videoletter Silvio Berlusconi.

Cervical Erosion Discharge

Vendola Saviano and denounce the dishonesty in Lombardy

There 's a great cry in these hours by the parties of the center against Saviano and Vendola just because' and Vendola Saviano put his finger on.
was stated on behalf of Left Ecology Liberta ', Fabio Mussi replicate the reactions of members of the PDL and the League Vendola the words of the United States.
the enormous responsibility 'policy of the League, and in Lombardy in the north - says the former minister of the center-left government - and' that it had carried all these years in a long campaign against the people.

Against people who came to work: southern and immigrants, blacks and southerners .
kept them under pressure not to drive really, but for having an army of arms to be exploited, often in conditions of slavery.
Meanwhile, the capital of the Mafia (who and how 'known are estimated between 120 and 150 billion € , 80 only the' Ndrangheta: government budgets digits) invaded the economy of the North, entering as a blade through butter , gaining positions on positions. There 's a monumental documentation of those who want arrangements which.
League - Mussi insists - made by citizens to watch wrong side, and did not build barriers cultural and political invasion Mafos.
And here is the budget's long alliance with Berlusconi over 'centralism, taxes plus' high and the mafia in the north.
E 'time - concluded the exponent of Sel - to unmask the deception.

Fabio Mussi

Left Ecology Freedom

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Engagement Congrats To Special Friend

Risk social networks.

Troppo tempo davanti ai social network: profitto scolastico a rischio
A sostenerlo sono alcuni ricercatori della ‘Case Western Reserve School’ of Medicine: "più di tre ore al giorno di social networking nuocciono gravemente alla salute dei ragazzi". Il motivo è da ricercare nelle maggiori probabilità di incorrere in livelli alti di stress e depressione.
Gli studenti “incollati” ai social network rischiano di compromettere, assieme al loro stato di salute, anche il profitto scolastico. A sostenerlo sono alcuni ricercatori della ‘Case Western Reserve School’ of Medicine guidati da Scott Frank alla 138° assemblea annuale dell'American Public Health Association a Denver. Dopo aver svolto studi teorici ed empirici, gli studiosi hanno concluso che coloro che trascorrono troppo tempo sui siti di social network hanno maggiori probabilità di incorrere in livelli alti di stress e depressione. E sono a maggior rischio di consumare sostanze stupefacenti e di avere comportamenti aggressivi e bassi voti a scuola. Significativa, a proposito dello studio, la considerazione dei ricercatori: "più di tre ore al giorno di social networking nuocciono gravemente alla salute dei ragazzi".
Tra gli studenti intervistati tra i 13 ed i 18 anni, frequentanti le scuole superiori,è l'11,5% a corrispondere a questo profilo particolarmente a rischio. Gli "hyper-networkers" hanno, rispetto ai coetanei che fanno un uso più moderate PC, 62% more likely to have tried cigarettes, 79% more likely to have tried alcohol (and 69% being heavy drinkers), 84% more than I did use of illicit drugs, 94% more to have aggression and physical violence, 69% more likely to have sex (and 60% more likely to have four or more sexual partners). In short, too long lost friends might try to hurt themselves and affect indirectly the relations with others.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What Is Maculopapular

Ready for restyling ...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Women Showing Boobs In Saree

can be improved? My last

Vi terremo updated ... coming soon

Sunday, November 14, 2010

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All government aid the rich: ici, coupon and tax shelter rents. CARO

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14/11/2010 17:00

ECONOMICS Mr. X is a wealthy, let's say a superbenestante. It is also very fussy and usually keep a diary the most important economic news for himself and for his family. This is the story of a case in point, the case of those Italians - not many but even a few - have a good income and a large fortune, perhaps in partly hidden from tax authorities. It is the story of the surprises, all pleasant, reserved them, despite the worst post-war crisis, the last two and a half years of operations. And promptly rebuilt to an imaginary but realistic diary of a family.
Superbenestante, said. Mr. X has, plus a good number of bonds and shares, three apartments in Italy and one abroad. On the latter has never paid a euro in taxes. Italian property tax, however, has always paid taxes. A heavy load is heavy as the fear that someday might be discovered on the activities of his escape across the border: you will have to pay the entire tax, plus interest plus penalties. X does not matter where he works, whether it is a professional, a manager or a trader. Just know that earns more than € 75 000, the threshold above which applies the maximum rate. Location: Rome. Housing estate in the heart: living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, hall and closet for him and his wife and two children. Also in Rome, X owns two apartments: one bedroom apartment on the outskirts rented at 750 € a month and a house of 80 square meters in the central area leased to 1,300 €. Five years ago, recommended by two friends, strangers, X also bought a lovely property in central Paris at a price of € 500 000 for darlo in affitto. Gli amici, - uno inglese e uno statunitense - hanno fatto altrettanto comprando altri due immobili di identico valore nello stesso stabile della capitale francese.  There is still a fundamental page diary written by Mr X, perhaps the most important. And a date: August 4, 2010. "Today the government approved a decree of the fiscal federalism and introduced from next year, the coupon on dry leases. Basically, who gives a home to rent instead of paying the income tax rate, which for us wealthy as 43%, will pay only 20%. Almost nothing, however, the savings for those with low incomes: 23 to 20%. Here then is what changes for me and my family from the two apartments that rent income € 24,600 a year. Under the old regime was paying personal income taxes of approximately € 9000. With the coupon it will pay 5000. Save: € 4 000 per year. " Source: La Repubblica, November 14, 2010
È il 29 maggio 2008. Appena tre settimane fa si è insediato il quarto governo Berlusconi. Il signor X scrive sul diario: «Oggi è entrato in vigore il decreto che abolisce del tutto l’Ici». Breve antefatto per capire la questione: il governo Prodi aveva cancellato l’Ici al 40% dei proprietari di case, in gran parte con redditi medio-bassi. Il nuovo esecutivo Berlusconi ha esteso l’esenzione a tutti gli altri. Continua il signor X: «Facciamo un po’ di conti. Sulla mia abitazione finora io pagavo il 4,6 per € 790 thousand and then poured the year. Now you do not pay them more. A big saving. " autumn arrives. The diary of Mr. X showed a new date: October 2, 2009. Followed by a commentary: "I'm just past the 13.30, the TG1 has reassuring news:" On the House to the decree on tax shelter. " You will pay only 5% of assets held abroad and everything will be rectified. No unpaid taxes, no penalties, no interest, and above all full anonymity. " "Let us make two accounts - continued X - my apartment in Paris is € 500 000. Applying the 5% I find myself having to pay only € 25 000 and stop. Much worse will ai miei amici stranieri: anche loro possono usufruire dello scudo ma con costi di gran lunga maggiori. L’inglese si troverà a pagare il 10% (il doppio) ma dovrà aggiungervi tutte le imposte dovute per cinque anni, più gli interessi maturati. Conti ancora più salati per il mio amico americano: costo iniziale del 20% (100 mila euro) più imposte e interessi. E poi c’è un’altra differenza di non poco conto: io conservo l’anonimato, loro no».  PDF Passano i mesi: la primavera 2010 porta con sé una bufera economica di proporzioni giganti. È la crisi dell’euro. Tutto sembra precipitare: i paesi europei preparano feroci finanziarie taglia-deficit. Il signor X scrive: "The British government has already raised from 40 to 50% the maximum rate, the one that applies to superbenestanti. Portugal and Spain take similar measures. Even Sarkozy, accused of favoring the rich, has announced an increase in their tax rate from 40 to 41%. Here in Italy, however, no one thinks to ask something to those who earn more. Nor do the proposals of opposition, trade unions and Confindustria to raise taxes on financial income, the firm now 12.50%, are taken into account. Yet elsewhere you pay more interest: 20% in Britain, 25% in Germany, 27% in France. The maneuver Tremonti has passed and I find myself not paying even one euro. " Summary Final: Mr X save almost € 5 000 per year on real estate in Italy, regulates those abroad by paying only 5% do not pay one euro in At the deficit-cutting maneuver, and continues to rely on a favorable taxation on their financial treasure. A godsend. Indeed from Palazzo Chigi. Stampa Scrivi e-mail

Friday, November 12, 2010

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Veneto, Italy - a disaster waiting to happen.

E 'already passed a week after the tragic flood that has invaded our city and crippled 121 municipalities in the Veneto.
In these dramatic days there was a clear priority: to care for displaced people, reopen the roads, clearing debris, free from the grip of the mud houses. why we flocked to the call of the mayor of Vicenza, and we have worked with the Fire Department, the Police and the military, with men and women of the Civil Protection.
mixed with thousands of young students, scouts, seminarians and migrants of various nationalities, we took solidarity and concrete help to our fellow citizens affected by quest'immane disgrace.
However, you can not remain indifferent in the face of unremitting and questionable utterances of politicians and the institutions, which for decades have been at the helm of our country and this region in particular.
sacrosanct, claim the aid of the state to help out, assist families and support companies in difficulty, but how much hypocrisy in jeremiad against the indifference of the national newspapers, what impudence to threaten strike action against tax its government, and also how much irresponsibility in the words of those who are self-fulfilling, in the face of unpredictability certe calamità naturali.

A Roberto Zuccato, presidente degli industriali vicentini, va invece riconosciuta l'onestà intellettuale di aver ammesso: “Stiamo pagando il prezzo della cementificazione e del boom”.

Il Belpaese è cronicamente afflitto dalle frane e dal dissesto idrogeologico, imputabili all'incuria e alle scelte dissennate compiute dall'uomo. In questo campo, svanisce ogni presunta alterità dei veneti, con l'aggravante che non c'entrano né la mafia, né la camorra e per lo più, non si tratta neppure di abusivismo, ma di edilizia e cementificazione legalizzata da Piani regolatori che non tutelano il territorio o sono frustrated by endless variations and inconsistent.

Only in the province of Vicenza, in a decade, the urbanized area has increased by 342% against a population increase of 32%, soil sealing and the "sbracamento" of the city against the countryside is increased from 9,000 to more than 28 000 hectares.

We understand that it is not just about cuts to local authorities or the cancellation of the fee for reclamation, which, moreover, has stolen 15 million euro compared with 100 normally used for the consolidation of banks, cleaning of ditches and maintenance of funds for expansion. When it continues to build in the riverside areas, do not realize the river rolling hills of water or whole gut to build new suburban, there is little to lash out at Jupiter pluvio or "thieving Rome".

With the flood will consume the Venetian model of a crisis that, in the name of development has transformed the Po plain in a mess of concrete and asphalt, but that still shows no signs of repentance.

To realize scan the provisions of the Regional Spatial Plan, which gives free hand to the interests and real estate speculation.

If the Veneto the last but one region in Italy (last Molise) for parks and protected areas, can not be said to be missing major real estate projects, new motorways, despite this, the new RTCP provides, "Veneto city": 2.6 million square meters surface between Venice and Padua, "Motor City": 4.5 million square meters, the card and dial the new Autodromo del Veneto.

On the other hand what else to expect from a Spatial Plan which states: "... There is still a long campaign in the Veneto so that the land consumption is not a real problem ... ".

urban hysteria has made us forget how, in a time not too far away, Look at our land as the "Water Civilization", to the immeasurable wealth of water resources and for the great example of managerial skills demonstrated by our ancestors.

dall'ARPAV survey conducted in 2002 attributed to an Index of Functionality Bacchiglione River mediocre for 55% of its course, for the poor 42% good and only 3%. It is no coincidence that the most critical points are exactly at the stroke of Vicenza city and the suburbs south of Padua, the most affected dall'esondazione. The Strategic Environmental Assessment prepared in 2007 for the PAT in Vicenza, notes that correspond to areas of the floodplain fascia dei fiumi Bacchiglione, Astichello, Tesina, Retrone e che la conformazione di tali zone “favorisce il fenomeno dell’esondazione”.

Purtroppo, la primitiva morfologia di queste aree non è più interamente visibile in quanto: “interventi antropici di notevole portata ne hanno profondamente modificato l’aspetto originario”.

Modifiche tutt’ora in corso, come nel caso della Base militare al “Dal Molin”, per la cui realizzazione si sono impermeabilizzati 600.000mq di terreno esondabile e innalzato gli argini del Bacchiglione, proprio in corrispondenza della nuova Caserma.

La crisi economica and the disaster of these days, should convince us that it is time to rethink our model of development, stop the consumption of soil and hydrogeological.

Finally, a proposal for President Zaia, Commissioner of Emergency the budgeted cost of the bridge over the Strait is 3 billion and 900 million, roughly what would be necessary for the safety of 'whole Italian peninsula, because Berlusconi is not convincing for the care of the Venetian territory was the first Pharaoh of certain works, what is more at risk of Mafia infiltration?

Ciro Asproso

Sinistra Ecologia Libertà di Vicenza

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Hanno nomi strani, esotici, si chiamano Moumini, Ever, Eric, Ousmane, Rezac, Rolando, Saloua , e nei giorni scorsi, i giorni del fango e delle macerie dopo l’alluvione, erano a fianco dei tanti volontari, soprattutto giovani, che hanno aiutato a ripulire la nostra città, le cantine allagate, gli appartamenti e i negozi devastati dalla fury of river. With so many other immigrants have worked with us from Vicenza in silence, never complaining of fatigue, with a smile, content with a sandwich and a bottle of water.

Some come from other countries devastated by disastrous floods, as Moumine that comes from Burkina Faso or Rolando from the Philippines, or run away from war and hunger, or simply the poverty that afflicts their people, and work in our companies, making the workers, warehouse workers, electricians, laborers, domestic workers. Many of them see their families for years, others have made a family here, and their children go to school with our children.

are not Italian citizens can not vote or elect their representatives, even if they live for years, work here and pay taxes , and indeed their lives are affected by a piece of paper permission to stay, that a thousand red tape, queues in front of police stations, requirements for obtaining more and more 'complex, is the indispensable bond with the land that welcomed them, ensuring a future for itself' and its loved ones.

In recent years, have suffered endless harassment by Administrators mercilessly in certain municipalities in our province have done everything to get rid of him, in a crescendo of abstruse and discriminatory decrees in which the imagination of the range was denied permission to the suitability of the houses to their places of worship, the rankings for the allocation of social housing can not access funds for workers companies in crisis, the benches removed from school canteens.

Recently, after the events of March Field, were sometimes viewed with distrust, suspicion, as if they all, without distinction, were guilty of degradation, the distribution of drugs, stabbings gang of criminals.

Such a treatment would be expected from their indifference, even resentment.

But the call of the Mayor of Vicenza, who was looking for volunteers responded en masse after a brief tam tam, with a touching enthusiasm, timidly approaching the banks of the rescue organization to give their personal data, helping the women of the Civil Protection to write their names and unpronounceable difficult. Flocked en masse to help without thinking about the discrimination and humiliation suffered quotidianamente.Sono rushed to help a city that also hear "their" city to help a population in which they feel part now in effect.

try to remember when everything is finished.

Mattia Pilan

Left Ecology Freedom of Vicenza

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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Ready to be exhibited in the gallery ...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Milena Velba Halloween


only supports the natural family based on marriage, and oriented to procreation. So Welfare Minister Sacconi on the sidelines of his speech at the national conference on family and announced that the magazine will Isee and creating a "criminal families". This morning the Italian Catholic hierarchy, and the people of the family day, it will be skinned hands to applaud such phrases as these. They must have had a strong emotional feeling about the introduction of the family quotient that rewards families who have children (even rich ones) and remove those couples who can not get a life project fenced in with barbed wire because of insecurity. For those who had not understood, we are introducing the rule of ethics, recognizing the patriarchal family legal subjectivity and not to individuals. "The proposal put forward by Giovanardi to introduce the family quotient is a real joke." This was stated in a note to the national secretary of the PRC / Federation of the Left, Paolo Ferrero. "The mechanism of splitting income in fact acting in a manner that enhances the rich families, those that are already better - Ferrero notes - This is therefore the umpteenth joke that the only ones to be helped are those who are already well . The true measure to be taken - said the leader of the PRC - is to reduce charges to a complex of low income and a much higher taxes on the rich, the taxation of capital income. " A welfare system that wants
women at home to look after the children degradation knit and crochet. We are in the clerical fascism that erases the other families, those of groups to which Gay was not even the right word. Hamadineijad comparison would be a progressive. This tells us that the right of Catholic morality, which claims to be for the family when half of its deputies and senators are divorced, which recognizes the family based on marriage when his mentor, Supreme has a Harem fee has the stench of the worst hypocrisy . A stench so strong to take away the taste of satire.
Mandiamoli home and do it quickly.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Grope Overcrowded Train Vids