Sunday, November 14, 2010
Christian Tatoo Phrases
All government aid the rich: ici, coupon and tax shelter rents. CARO
14/11/2010 17:00
È il 29 maggio 2008. Appena tre settimane fa si è insediato il quarto governo Berlusconi. Il signor X scrive sul diario: «Oggi è entrato in vigore il decreto che abolisce del tutto l’Ici». Breve antefatto per capire la questione: il governo Prodi aveva cancellato l’Ici al 40% dei proprietari di case, in gran parte con redditi medio-bassi. Il nuovo esecutivo Berlusconi ha esteso l’esenzione a tutti gli altri. Continua il signor X: «Facciamo un po’ di conti. Sulla mia abitazione finora io pagavo il 4,6 per € 790 thousand and then poured the year. Now you do not pay them more. A big saving. " | autumn arrives. The diary of Mr. X showed a new date: October 2, 2009. Followed by a commentary: "I'm just past the 13.30, the TG1 has reassuring news:" On the House to the decree on tax shelter. " You will pay only 5% of assets held abroad and everything will be rectified. No unpaid taxes, no penalties, no interest, and above all full anonymity. " "Let us make two accounts - continued X - my apartment in Paris is € 500 000. Applying the 5% I find myself having to pay only € 25 000 and stop. Much worse will ai miei amici stranieri: anche loro possono usufruire dello scudo ma con costi di gran lunga maggiori. L’inglese si troverà a pagare il 10% (il doppio) ma dovrà aggiungervi tutte le imposte dovute per cinque anni, più gli interessi maturati. Conti ancora più salati per il mio amico americano: costo iniziale del 20% (100 mila euro) più imposte e interessi. E poi c’è un’altra differenza di non poco conto: io conservo l’anonimato, loro no». Passano i mesi: la primavera 2010 porta con sé una bufera economica di proporzioni giganti. È la crisi dell’euro. Tutto sembra precipitare: i paesi europei preparano feroci finanziarie taglia-deficit. Il signor X scrive: "The British government has already raised from 40 to 50% the maximum rate, the one that applies to superbenestanti. Portugal and Spain take similar measures. Even Sarkozy, accused of favoring the rich, has announced an increase in their tax rate from 40 to 41%. Here in Italy, however, no one thinks to ask something to those who earn more. Nor do the proposals of opposition, trade unions and Confindustria to raise taxes on financial income, the firm now 12.50%, are taken into account. Yet elsewhere you pay more interest: 20% in Britain, 25% in Germany, 27% in France. The maneuver Tremonti has passed and I find myself not paying even one euro. " | There is still a fundamental page diary written by Mr X, perhaps the most important. And a date: August 4, 2010. "Today the government approved a decree of the fiscal federalism and introduced from next year, the coupon on dry leases. Basically, who gives a home to rent instead of paying the income tax rate, which for us wealthy as 43%, will pay only 20%. Almost nothing, however, the savings for those with low incomes: 23 to 20%. Here then is what changes for me and my family from the two apartments that rent income € 24,600 a year. Under the old regime was paying personal income taxes of approximately € 9000. With the coupon it will pay 5000. Save: € 4 000 per year. "Summary Final: Mr X save almost € 5 000 per year on real estate in Italy, regulates those abroad by paying only 5% do not pay one euro in At the deficit-cutting maneuver, and continues to rely on a favorable taxation on their financial treasure. A godsend. Indeed from Palazzo Chigi. | Source: La Repubblica, November 14, 2010
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