What is Berlusconi?
It 's the easy and cynical reversal of reality, often aided by the media control. And 'what is happening these days with the law Gelmini.
Researchers and scientists climb on the roofs with their miserable salaries and there they suddenly become a paradox, the barons of the Italian university.
Mind you, the Gelmini and government researchers are the barons, not those who thought or are thinking of some university in the North to grant an honorary degree to the Minister Bossi (not si sa bene peraltro, in base a quale merito scientifico).
La Gelmini insieme a Tremonti annuncia in pompa magna che presto arriverà un miliardo di euro per le università.
E i fondi del finanziamento ordinario del 2010 quando arriveranno negli atenei italiani?
Avete capito bene: non parlo dei fondi per il 2011, ma di quelli del 2010 che a dicembre di quest’anno non sono stati ancora ripartiti e inviati agli atenei.
Una vicenda di un’enormità clamorosa, nel silenzio generale.
La Gelmini denuncia ai quattro venti che nell’università italiana si spreca.
That there are 95 universities well, there are (or were) more than 320 branch offices (often to please the prominent politician in office), there are (or were) 5,000 courses. But the minister Gelmini
used as a location for his public denunciation?
Use cameras in Milan, next to the current mayor, Letizia Moratti, who is the author in a previous Berlusconi government the increase in universities, branch offices, the proliferation of degree courses.
takes just three shining examples to say they have reason to sell those guys, those researchers, teachers who still launch their cry of pain to the political forces that Parliament still a law unnecessary and harmful.
Yes, boys and girls, those teachers, those researchers have a glimpse of light in the night Berlusconi.
are the best Italy.
Nichi Vendola
leftist president Ecology Freedom
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