Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Location Fo Dalarna University Sweden

suspended execution of the black poplar in Borgo Scroffa

Alle ore 7.00 di domenica mattina un nutrito drappello di vicentini, incuranti del cattivo tempo e della giornata festiva, si sono dati appuntamento intorno al monumentale pioppo nero, che da più di 70 anni sovrintende il passaggio all'incrocio di Borgo Scroffa, dirimpetto alle mura medievali e alla vicina Porta di S. Lucia.

Grazie alla mobilitazione di questi cittadini , Some of them to represent the major environmental associations ( Italy Nostra - Legambiente - Committee against unauthorized building ) or political parties ( SEL - IdV ) in various ways to support the Government Variati, it was reached the important result of suspending the cutting of the tree and to obtain guarantees for a comparison with the municipal administration.

Consistent with positions already taken in the past - when the government sat on the city center - was unable to accept the method and motives that are invoked to justify the felling of the tree.

interventions on mobility can not rely on chance or improvisation inspired by the desire of politicians to appear, in other words, not enough traffic circles or simple aeration of the car.

Need a serious study on traffic flows, a plan of parking and a strong investment in favor of public transport, until then the measures will never be decisive and spot more easily prove counterproductive.

Similarly two seedlings are not enough to replace a monumental leafy tree, which is a piece of history. We must learn to have greater care of our collective assets and plants tell us, not least of Palladian buildings or monuments.

If we do not want the maintenance of the green is just a simple wish, to evoke in the elections, we must devote greater financial resources and personnel.

Since the City Council has given any power to AMCPS investments were drastically reduced, and planned interventions, concerning nothing less than the cutting of trees rather than their conservation.

Finally we appeal to the mayor and this majority.

Governing is a complex exercise and delicato, che comporta anche scelte dolorose e impopolari, ma l'imperativo del fare, non giustifica l'arroganza del potere e la negazione del confronto.

Coloro che oggi sono scesi in strada per difendere il diritto alla Partecipazione, sono gli stessi cittadini, animati da senso civico e spirito di solidarietà, che hanno prestato la loro opera nei giorni drammatici dell'alluvione, vorremmo che Variati non se ne dimenticasse .

Ciro Asproso

Coordinamento Sinistra Ecologia Libertà di Vicenza


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