In these dramatic days there was a clear priority: to care for displaced people, reopen the roads, clearing debris, free from the grip of the mud houses. why we flocked to the call of the mayor of Vicenza, and we have worked with the Fire Department, the Police and the military, with men and women of the Civil Protection.
mixed with thousands of young students, scouts, seminarians and migrants of various nationalities, we took solidarity and concrete help to our fellow citizens affected by quest'immane disgrace.
However, you can not remain indifferent in the face of unremitting and questionable utterances of politicians and the institutions, which for decades have been at the helm of our country and this region in particular.
sacrosanct, claim the aid of the state to help out, assist families and support companies in difficulty, but how much hypocrisy in jeremiad against the indifference of the national newspapers, what impudence to threaten strike action against tax its government, and also how much irresponsibility in the words of those who are self-fulfilling, in the face of unpredictability certe calamità naturali.
A Roberto Zuccato, presidente degli industriali vicentini, va invece riconosciuta l'onestà intellettuale di aver ammesso: “Stiamo pagando il prezzo della cementificazione e del boom”.
Il Belpaese è cronicamente afflitto dalle frane e dal dissesto idrogeologico, imputabili all'incuria e alle scelte dissennate compiute dall'uomo. In questo campo, svanisce ogni presunta alterità dei veneti, con l'aggravante che non c'entrano né la mafia, né la camorra e per lo più, non si tratta neppure di abusivismo, ma di edilizia e cementificazione legalizzata da Piani regolatori che non tutelano il territorio o sono frustrated by endless variations and inconsistent.
Only in the province of Vicenza, in a decade, the urbanized area has increased by 342% against a population increase of 32%, soil sealing and the "sbracamento" of the city against the countryside is increased from 9,000 to more than 28 000 hectares.
We understand that it is not just about cuts to local authorities or the cancellation of the fee for reclamation, which, moreover, has stolen 15 million euro compared with 100 normally used for the consolidation of banks, cleaning of ditches and maintenance of funds for expansion. When it continues to build in the riverside areas, do not realize the river rolling hills of water or whole gut to build new suburban, there is little to lash out at Jupiter pluvio or "thieving Rome".
With the flood will consume the Venetian model of a crisis that, in the name of development has transformed the Po plain in a mess of concrete and asphalt, but that still shows no signs of repentance.
To realize scan the provisions of the Regional Spatial Plan, which gives free hand to the interests and real estate speculation.
If the Veneto the last but one region in Italy (last Molise) for parks and protected areas, can not be said to be missing major real estate projects, new motorways, despite this, the new RTCP provides, "Veneto city": 2.6 million square meters surface between Venice and Padua, "Motor City": 4.5 million square meters, the card and dial the new Autodromo del Veneto.
On the other hand what else to expect from a Spatial Plan which states: "... There is still a long campaign in the Veneto so that the land consumption is not a real problem ... ".
urban hysteria has made us forget how, in a time not too far away, Look at our land as the "Water Civilization", to the immeasurable wealth of water resources and for the great example of managerial skills demonstrated by our ancestors.
dall'ARPAV survey conducted in 2002 attributed to an Index of Functionality Bacchiglione River mediocre for 55% of its course, for the poor 42% good and only 3%. It is no coincidence that the most critical points are exactly at the stroke of Vicenza city and the suburbs south of Padua, the most affected dall'esondazione. The Strategic Environmental Assessment prepared in 2007 for the PAT in Vicenza, notes that correspond to areas of the floodplain fascia dei fiumi Bacchiglione, Astichello, Tesina, Retrone e che la conformazione di tali zone “favorisce il fenomeno dell’esondazione”.
Purtroppo, la primitiva morfologia di queste aree non è più interamente visibile in quanto: “interventi antropici di notevole portata ne hanno profondamente modificato l’aspetto originario”.
Modifiche tutt’ora in corso, come nel caso della Base militare al “Dal Molin”, per la cui realizzazione si sono impermeabilizzati 600.000mq di terreno esondabile e innalzato gli argini del Bacchiglione, proprio in corrispondenza della nuova Caserma.
La crisi economica and the disaster of these days, should convince us that it is time to rethink our model of development, stop the consumption of soil and hydrogeological.
Finally, a proposal for President Zaia, Commissioner of Emergency the budgeted cost of the bridge over the Strait is 3 billion and 900 million, roughly what would be necessary for the safety of 'whole Italian peninsula, because Berlusconi is not convincing for the care of the Venetian territory was the first Pharaoh of certain works, what is more at risk of Mafia infiltration?
Ciro Asproso
Sinistra Ecologia Libertà di Vicenza
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