Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hand Foot And Mouth Disease Duration

Italy: the first European supplier of weapons to Libya. Accomplices to genocide?

Gaeta, delivery of three patrol boats to the Italian Coast Guard Libyan - Photos:
Italy is not only a major trading partners Libya, but it is the largest European exporter of arms to the regime of Gaddafi. The European Union reports on the export of military materials and systems ( here the latest report and analysis ) certify that in the 2008-2009 period Italy authorized to own firms sending arms to Libya for more than 205 million € that cover more than one third (34.5%) of ; any authorization issued by the EU (about 595 million euro). Among the other European countries than in the recent two years have given the go-ahead for the export of arms to Qaddafi's military machines, include France (143 million euro), the small Malta (almost € 80 million), Germany (57 million), the United Kingdom (53 million) and Portugal (21 million).
Unlike colleagues European Foreign Minister Frattini refrained from reporting even the temporary suspension of arms supplies to Gaddafi. Yet since I started street demonstrations in several countries of North Africa there have been statements to that effect of the main European registries. He started
France announcing the suspension of Egypt not only military systems but also of any explosive material or for maintaining public order, including tear gas. Continued Germany declaring the cessation of arms supplies to Egypt showing specific "concern for human rights violations in response to the protests" by law enforcement officials close to President Mubarak. On 17 February the France had then extended stop arms sales to Libya and Bahrain also . The same British Foreign Office, initially unwilling to permit the use of English weapons against the population in Manama , the day after he dismissed several arms export approvals in Bahrain and Libya . Among the major European exporters of arms only Italy silent.
Yet there have been stresses. After the first riots in the countries of North Africa, Network Disarmament and the peace table had explicitly asked the Italian government to suspend all military cooperation with Algeria, Egypt and Tunisia and in fact with all the countries of 'area. Such requests are submitted by pacifist groups in Germany, France and the United Kingdom. The governments which, initially refractory , they had to respond to public opinion. Only the Minister Frattini is deaf to all solicitations. I'm not sure
peanuts business in Italian military weapons industries with Colonel Gaddafi, starting from those controlled Finmeccanica. The Italian holding company is owned by a majority (32.5%) from the Ministry of Economy, but has as its second largest shareholder in the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA), the Libyan government authority which has a market share of 2.01% : quota Gaddafi seeks to expand up to 3% of the capital to impose on the Board some of his trusted men, and still even now allow it to elect Up to four delegates .
Since in 2004 the EU lifted the embargo alla Libia , le esportazioni di armamenti italiani al regime del colonnello Gheddafi hanno visto  un crescendo impressionante . Si è passati dai poco meno di  15 milioni di euro del 2006 ai quasi 57 milioni del 2007 . Ma è soprattutto nell’ultimo biennio – anche a seguito del “ Trattato di amicizia, partenariato e cooperazione tra Italia e Libia ” firmato a Bengasi nell’agosto del 2008 dal presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi e dal leader della Rivoluzione, Muammar El Gheddafi – che le esportazioni di armamenti italiani verso le coste libiche hanno preso slancio. L’articolo 20 del Trattato prevede infatti “un forte ed ampio industry partnership in the field of defense and military industries, as well as the development of "cooperation in the field of defense between their armed forces." It started with then 93 million euro in 2008 and continued in 2009 with almost 112 million € they do today 's Italy Europe's leading provider - and probably the world - ; weapons to Colonel Qaddafi . The aseptic
Relations Council Presidency on military exports in recent years speak of generic "aircraft ( Report 2006, Table P.)," land vehicles "and also" aircraft "( Report 2007, Table 18), but then also" bombs, torpedoes, rockets , missiles and accessories "and" equipment Fire control "and used" aircraft "(2008 Report , Table 15) and more recently all of the above with the addition of more generic" eBay "and" equipment for the viewing of images "( Report 2009, Table 15).
Spulciando le più corpose Relazioni annuali si scopre qualcosa di più: nel 2006 è stata autorizzata l’esportazione a Tripoli di  due elicotteri AB109 militari  dell’Agusta del valore di quasi 15 milioni di euro. Nel 2007 sempre l’Agusta ha incassato 54 milioni di euro per l’  ammodernamento degli aeromobili CH47.  Nel 2008 è stato dato il via libera per l’esportazione di  otto elicotteri A109  per 59,9 milioni di euro sempre dell’Agusta e all’Alenia Aeronautica per  un aeromobile ATR42 Maritime Patrol  del valore di 29,8 milioni euro. In 2009 two other dell'Agusta AW139 helicopters for approximately 24.9 million and almost € 3 million for "spare parts and training for aircraft of Alenia Aermacchi F260W, but also an authorization MBDA Italian , a leader in the global missile systems, to materials which are not authorized tracks (if not the number: MAE 18,160) worth € 2,519,771.
not seem a small thing a little more than 2.2 million € and "spare parts and training" of the aircraft of Alenia Aermacchi F260W: Libya has in fact F260W about 250 aircraft, "a disproportionate number, considering also that it is the model armabile - analysts note. "These aircraft were originally SIAI Marchetti , which are used as trainers in Europe, but in Africa and Latin America are often used as bombers were sold Libyan Air Force in the Seventies. It had been bought 240, now you do not know how many are in service. In 2006 a number of these aircraft were transferred to Chadian armed forces who have used them to bombard the rebels on the border con il Sudan ” – ricorda Enrico Casale .
Nella sua approfondita inchiesta sulle esportazioni di armamenti italiani alla Libia dal titolo “ Roma-Tripoli: compagni d’armi ”, il  giornalista del mensile Popoli , evidenzia inoltre che  Finmeccanica e la Libyan Investment Authority  hanno stretto ulteriormente i loro rapporti il 28 luglio 2009 con un nuovo accordo: si tratta di un’intesa generale attraverso la quale la holding di piazza Montegrappa e il fondo sovrano si impegnano a creare una nuova joint-venture (con capitale di  270 milioni di euro ) attraverso la quale gestiranno industrial investment and business in Libya, but also in other African countries. The first result was an agreement signed by Selex Sistemi Integrati, a subsidiary of Finmeccanica, and the Libyan government, a contract worth 300 million euro , which provides for the creation of a system of "protection and security" Libya's southern border to curb immigration.
Perhaps that is why the Minister Frattini is to intervene in trouble when he hears talk of sanctions against the Libyan leader. The should be noted that Law 185 of 1990 and the European Union's Common Position on arms exports ask to check the " rispetto dei diritti umani nel paese di destinazione finale  e il rispetto del diritto internazionale umanitario da parte di detto paese” e di  rifiutare le esportazione di armamenti  “qualora esista un rischio evidente che la tecnologia o le attrezzature militari da esportare possano essere utilizzate a fini di repressione interna”.
Proprio per evitare questo tipo di utilizzo, Francia, Germania e Regno Unito hanno deciso nei giorni scorsi di sospendere le esportazioni militari a diversi paesi tra cui la Libia. Il ministro degli Esteri italiano, invece tace. Che sia all’oscuro delle dichiarazioni dei suoi colleghi?
Intanto  il ministro della Difesa,   La Russa conferma da Abu Dhabi  che la nave della marina militare Elettra è stata mobilitata per far fronte alla emergenza creata dalla crisi in Libia. La Russa si trova negli Emirati Arabi per una non ben specificata (dai media italiani) “ visita ufficiale ”. Guarda caso proprio nell’emirato dove è in corso l’ International Defence Exhibition and Conference  ( IDEX 2011 ), “il più grande salone espositivo su difesa e sicurezza nel Medio Oriente e nel Nord Africa”. Al quale non potevano mancare  tutte le maggiori industrie italiane di armamenti . Specialmente Finmeccanica che ha realizzato " un padiglione all'avanguardia  in linea con i principi espressi nel suo  Rapporto di sostenibilità ". E per cercare nuovi acquirenti in un’area che è sicuramente di "interesse strategico" adesso che diversi dittatori sono in bilico.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How To Hurt A Guys Balls


di Monica Donini 
Qualche giorno fa i Consiglieri del Gruppo del Popolo delle Libertà hanno presentato all’Assemblea Legislativa dell’Emilia-Romagna una proposta di legge riguardante la “ Riforma e riqualificazione dei Consultori familiari”,  il testo della norma è la fotocopia di quello presentato, dalla stessa forza politica, presso il Consiglio Regionale del Lazio, cosa che già di per sé la dice lunga sull’intento tutto propagandistico e ideologico dell’iniziativa, iniziativa che non tiene conto dei diversi contesti regionali e che viene pubblicizzata all’esterno attraverso una parziale divulgazione dei dati relativi al funzionamento dei nostri Consultori, se non una vera e propria manipolazione of the same.

The main purpose of the measure is to intervene on the women who require the abortion, requiring them, including through the active presence of volunteering within the public advice, obligation ; to submit to a "first action" under which: (Article 13) "... the Counseling offers to women and couples, with adequate disciplinary councils and the recognition of the primary value of life, protection of motherhood and of the child conceived ... "" ... this "first action" si chiude con il consenso o dissenso informato della donna –risultante da apposita verbalizzazione- alle proposte del Consultorio”.
Solo successivamente e a fronte della verbalizzazione del dissenso da parte della donna alle proposte avanzate dal Consultorio si potrà aprire  “… il “secondo procedimento”, già disciplinato dalla legge sull’interruzione volontaria della gravidanza del 22 maggio 1978, n. 194”

Insomma, nell’articolato proposto è esplicita l’intenzione di non applicare correttamente la Legge della Repubblica 194/78, prevedendo come obbligatorie procedure che l’articolo 5 of Law 194, shown as assets only if requested by the woman (Law 194/78 art. 5: "The counseling and social-health, in addition to providing the necessary medical tests, are responsible in each case, and especially ; when the demand for abortion is attributed to the effect of economic conditions or social or family on the health of pregnant women, to examine the woman and the father of the unborn, where the woman permits, respect for the dignity and privacy of women and person named as the father of the unborn, the possible solutions to problems proposed ... "), putting, so, question his choice.

is also clear that this option is not available in the individual regions as well as the Regional Administrative Court of Lombardy and the Council of State, ruling on the legality of the Guidelines for the implementation of Lombard 194/78, have recently ruled, in fact blocking the application of rules similar to those proposed by the Board of freedom for the people of Emilia-Romagna.

A justification of the reasons for this decision, the Board proposing to loudly denounce an alleged emergency situation that affects our region, where the practice of abortion, they say, is the size of a "mass murder", overlapping, so the image of the "Third Reich" on one of our Consultants, portrayed as real "abortifici" is Indeed, asked indignantly, "why over 62% of the certificates required in our public hospitals come from the voluntary interruption of pregnancy Consultants, when the national average is only 37%?

Yeah, why?
The answer is that in Emilia-Romagna, unlike other regions, since 1975, the National Law which provided for the establishment, the public network family planning clinics has grown and spread in a widespread manner to reach the current 212 seats (of which 31 spaces and 17 spaces for young immigrant women and their children). This allows people in our region free access to a range of services and performance in primary care, with particular vocation for the area of \u200b\u200bwomen's health, when they have multi-disciplinary team (obstetrician, gynecologist, psychologist , social worker and other professionals locally identified as a nutritionist, dietician, urologist, geneticist, breast specialist, etc..), thereby shortening the application fee to doctors, I remember, as required by 194, can alternatively Consultants, certify the request for voluntary termination of pregnancy.

The region provides them, too, "connected" to the network of social services so that they may, subject to their governance, their responsibility for health, and the exclusive presence in them of public works, on Women's request, provide information on the possibilities offered assistance by local and / or the reality of local voluntary associations and

The function of the Consultants that is monitored by the Regional annually disseminates the data on their activity and these data objectively contradict the suggestion, advanced instrumentally by some political parties, that their action is focused only to make it "easy recourse to abortion" as if it were not for women a "easy practice" and not a drama.

But let's get to the data in 2008, for example, / users who have turned to the network of Consultants have been 475,229, the 34.2% of those in receipt of benefits for early detection of female cancers, the 23.8 % were made to assist during pregnancy, 18.7% required gynecological, 6.7% sought and obtained prescriptions for contraception, and only 2.3% were the certifications for the voluntary interruption of pregnancy.

In this regard I consider it useful to reflect fully the Councillor a passage in the report "Policies for Health" on the appeal on the voluntary interruption of pregnancy in Emilia-Romagna in 2008:
"The number of ; Induced abortions performed in the region in 2008 was $ 11,124 (-1.3% compared to 2007). Even after the sharp fall in the first 15 years following the implementation of Act 194 of 1978, the voluntary interruption of pregnancy confirms the downward trend in absolute value. Even more relevant in the face of continued growth, particularly in the last 5-6 years, the female population of childbearing age residing in Emilia-Romagna. The abortion rate Regional (IVG per 1000 females aged 15-49) thus confirming a trend of decline, coming in 2008 at a rate of 9.3 ‰ (in 1988 was 13.5 ‰, and in 2005 was 10.0 ‰). Similarly, the continuing decline in the ratio abortion (Abortions per 1000 born residents), due both to fewer abortions and the increase in the number of births (the 2008 figure is equal to 215 ‰ with a drop of almost 5% over the previous year). "

In 2009, a decline by a further 2.7% compared to 2008.

This demonstrates the effectiveness of the efforts undertaken by our Consultants as places of socio-health safeguards for the public promotion of preventive point of reference for the health needs of women, set respect for the law 194/78, the dignity, the right to privacy and freedom of women, as is also confirmed by the latest regional guidelines approved in 2008.

Monica Donini

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Play Undf Format


David Casartelli by BLG Working Class
The country is spreading the mafia organized crime control, while at various social levels, the so-called law of public scrutiny,
in both local and national bodies, sinks into a muddy swamp in which cross-waving gang of scoundrels and ruffians of various types and gender, all interested in the "cohesion and social peace" that does not disturb the current affairs and that, by hook or by crook, with a right-wing government or a "left" must be maintained, even tax ... This is despite the usual jabbering Pharisees should be based on the law as a condition of the rule of law and democracy, both in Italy in all of their content and the most oppressive forms.
It is obvious, even to the blind, whether for economic, financial and in that of social relations (whether these are can call in a context of exploitation and oppression of one class - the bourgeoisie - against another - the proletariat -), legality and illegality are melted in a mixture suitable for any use and consumption for the interests and privileges of the ruling class. Now openly speaking of mafias penetrated the political institutions, the judiciary, in law enforcement, in the bureaucracies of the state and region. So De Magistris in Micromega No 5, concludes: "The people have a thirst for justice" ... But just about justice, a popular saying states:
" Justice is written on the sign the gate of the palace. We think only the naive. Log in, scour the entire building and did not find the shade. "
And among the corridors of the Palace is around an anguished President Napolitano, recording the endless list of" corruption and plots of squalid pollutants by cliques. "The ANM echoed the vertices ( judicial robes), who report "situations of opacity, of collusion and connivance."
Dell'Utri, a founder of Forza Italy, celebrated the recent verdict of condemnation of the Court of 'Appeal mangiando cannoli. Ed elogiando “il comportamento eroico di Mangano” (riconosciuto dalla magistratura come capo di mandamento mafioso, come un mafioso di lungo corso…) il quale si è sempre rifiutato di accusare Berlusconi: un messaggio che dovrebbe rassicurare i “martiri” di Cosa Nostra in carcere.
Non siamo solo noi a trarre conclusioni di questo tipo: addirittura l’ex ministro degli interni, Pisanu, oggi presidente della Commissione Antimafia, ipotizza “ragionevolmente” il verificarsi — allora… — di: " una convergenza di interessi tra Cosa Nostra, altre organizzazioni criminali, logge massoniche segrete, pezzi diverted institutions, business and politics . "
The economic power of the mafia could not maintain and expand, as is happening everywhere, without proper protection policies," municipal, regional, national and European . Behind the massacres of 1992 and 1993 - still Pisanu said in its report - moved " a tangle of mafia, politics, big business, subversive groups and parts of the state diverted. (...) That same plot several times that we've seen emerge from the bowels of the country. (...) For the massacres there was negotiation between the mafia and the state. And Cosa Nostra still points on the power Political . "
Falcone himself spoke of the presence on the territory of a faction of" bourgeois mafia ", which - now more than ever - has spread to the entire ruling class. Complicity, direct or indirect, is spreading at all levels, improving those " occult centers of power that have other interests - is always talking Falcone, June 21, 1989 - making up the connection points with the leaders of the Cosa Nostra . "
The butchery practiced by Cosa Nostra then involving groups of power" business " Masonic equipment deviant, mysterious "entities", a network of "principals" that have diverted huge false leads on tracks dead. These are the shreds of truth that emerge here and there, complicit in the mountains of so-called "bad apples boxes" intelligence officers, missing evidence, minutes of interrogation and search falsified or destroyed, false targets of investigation, repent driven ...
The most recent interception of "private" conversations between law abiding citizens who are doing "their business", has appeared several times on behalf of Caesar, behind which hide an unknown (but not too much) aspiring emperor of the day. The reference could be adapted to those who know only some aspects of the old character and its history, that the Roman Caesar with his charismatic co partly oligarchic regime, some popular and some monarchy. His opponents - Octavian - is in fact as restorers of the republic. And Caesar was among her admirers also a modern Mussolini (then a Togliatti!) Before the figure of Augustus officially became the symbol of the founding of the Italian Empire, Fascist Italy and Savoy, against the East. Then, in turn, was replaced by Augusto Mazzini of fascism by the Republican ...
Meanwhile, the people - apart from some signs of impatience that the proletarian component begins to increase for another - is the taxpayer, with a "public opinion" media-manipulated from above, a middle class that makes the accounts in your pocket Fearing the worst, a working class beaten, confused and disunited. Which circulate in the pipers of the "left" in pursuit - as Vendola - the dream of "a ruling class that is not there and we have to invent" ... first of all defend and save the Constitution and with an eye to Vatican . For the good and the national future ...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Playas De Sanfransico California Nu Distas

If not now when, a million women in the streets against Berlusconi government and Fiat

13/02/2011 22:51 Camusso: "I want a country with one moral." The slogan of the most beautiful in Bari: "Neither cluck or Vendola: mortal blow to Berlusconi "From here, this place is no going back. The next event is scheduled for the March 8 and then together we are committed to the States-General of Italian women. " With these words, to the applause, Francesca Izzo finished the Roman event that filled the Piazza del Popolo and the streets adjacent to an extent that the same promoter could not imagine. "If not now when?" With this slogan Italian women throw their mobilization mentre Berlusconi viene coinvolto nell'inchiesta della procura di Milano, dove lo sfruttamento della donna riveste un ruolo principale. 
Angela Finocchiaro, l’attrice chiamata a condurre la grande kermesse femminile in piazza del Popolo a Roma, facendo la somma di tutte le iniziative in Italia e in molte città del mondo ha annunciato “Siamo più di un milione in tutto il mondo”. 
Nella piazza romana si sono mescolate rabbia e ironia, donne di più generazioni, e anche molti uomini. La fantasia si è come al solito scatenata attingendo a piene mani dall’attualità. Così, ad esempio, c’è chi lega il caso Ruby alla rivolta in Egitto inalberando a sign with 'Silva, the granddaughter reported by Mubarak', while another says' I am the grandson of ... my uncle '.
"Women Without Fear," as Susan remarked in his speech from the stage Camusso Roman "I want a country with a moral one - said the general secretary of the CGIL - why the double standard insults and hides our dignity as women. " "None of us - calls Camusso - should lower their gaze, because the future is ours and will understand."
In Milan, more than 60,000 people took to the streets. The announcement was made from the stage, as people began dancing to the tune of 'I want a scandal' Gianna Nannini. Then, at the invitation of the hostess Teresa Mannino, all waved white scarves a symbol of the event in Milan.
In Palermo twenty thousand people, according to estimates by the CGIL, participated this morning in the square to the event which took place with a procession from Piazza to Piazza Massimo Croci, with live performances and debates. The CGIL, which has endorsed the event, this was without its own symbol but with different sheets and hand-painted banner with the slogan "Berlusconi, we will have already resigned." Union militants were wearing a yellow shirt with the inscription "I am woman and I say enough. "
Peak membership is also the manifestation of Bologna. So much so that organizers had to extend the route of the procession, which deflected and has reached and invaded the Piazza Maggiore. The snake, made up of several thousand people (6,000 for law enforcement officers, 20,000 for the organizers) had departed from Piazza XX Serttembre, near the train
In Turin, however, according to organizers took to the streets Vittorio approximately 50 000 people. Many have brought umbrellas, not to shelter from the rain but "to protect from the mud that is thrown against women".
Ten thousand participants piazza Libertà a Bari. Un corteo alla fine ha raggiunto piazza del Ferrarese dove simbolicamente le donne si sono staccate di dosso delle etichette con i prezzi. “Né coccodè, né”, questo uno dei cartelli esposti. 

Uno slogan per sedici piazze ha attraversato la Sardegna da Nord a Sud: Se non ora quando ha unito uomini donne, senza bandiere, migliaia fianco a fianco nella mobilitazione per la dignità e l’orgoglio femminile. Che poi si è trasformata in una battaglia trasversale, mossa da una sola convinzione: “Un’altra Italia è possibile, perché noi donne, oggi, lo abbiamo deciso”, ha detto Luisa Sassu, della Cgil di Cagliari, nell’intervento that the initiative has opened in the capital, near the port of Via Roma. Events organized by the committees spontaneous births during the last two weeks has joined the union anywhere from Gavoi Temple until Sassari and Cagliari, then Nuoro, Olbia, Oristano and Carbonia. From ten o'clock this morning an unexpected crowd by the promoters themselves, filled the square Cagliari. A quiet square and composed, attentive to the words spoken from the stage, where they alternate interventions planned for artists, actors and Rita Atzeri Elio Round Arthemalle, the singer Clara Murtas, other witnesses, born there on time. There were young women, claiming a society based on merit, without shortcuts and compromises. There were women of great struggles of the sixties and seventies that the streets are already gone but it was not enough, because equality of opportunity in Italy are still only a statement of intent. Above all, the only flag in pink that stood on the stage, there were fathers and husbands, men who do not identify with certain models and want to share this struggle with the women against the debasement of the female role and the degradation of politics and its mechanisms of selection.
"If this thing continues, it would create something great, genuine and overwhelming." This was stated by the chairman of the House Judiciary and Parliamentary The future of freedom and Giulia Bongiorno, from the stage of the event in Rome.

"Today I think it is a mortal blow for Berlusconi." So Nichi Vendola, leader of Select 'And' a special day. In the squares of all Italy there are hundreds of thousands of women, but also many, many men who refuse to obey a command culture and politics in which the relationship between men and women is a hierarchical relationship. A code in which women are male ornament, prey of the activity 'hunting for a male patient of omnipotence. "

" In Milan, I witnessed something extraordinary. Many people can not even see the stage. A need for dignity and a desire for serenity. Not only women, but many families and people who simply asked for a better Italy and cleaner. " This was stated in a statement the former Prime Minister Romano Prodi. "I believe - he adds - that women have given a great sign when you wake up Italy"

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Fabio Sebastiani

Twenty billion of investments, all made on paper and divided between Fiat and Fiat industrial, and 2014 as the deadline for decide whether to leave or less from Turin. Sergio Marchionne returns to Detroit with his pouch full of prey: the government's official ok to freedom of maneuver, and the revival of the image after the poor showing at Mirafiori remedied with the referendum.

Nothing on the business plan and no rules, unconstitutional, written in Italy factory, either in the version that Pomigliano Mirafiori. In fact, if you give a look a bit 'cunning statements of various ministers, managers and trade unionists, we understand that the aim now is to extend the "protocol" to other production sites: Melfi, Pratola Serra, Atessa, Cassino. This means which to pay the so-called strategies of Fiat will be the workers in the flesh: the rhythms of work and rights. Even the CGIL, which can hardly be accused of heresy Communist speaks of "catwalk". As blame her?
Fiat has led to the government, in what he can not even be considered a "table", the usual numbers. Just to name a few, those who emphasize the absolute gratuity of the estimates of Fiat with regard to Europe, the objective of the Fiat group's plan is to increase sales by 64% in the old continent to within 2, 1 million units where more than 50% will be on the mark for which the Lingotto Fiat is expected to increase to approximately 1,100,000 units of sales to end users, 20% more than in 2009. These "numbers in freedom" is just to add that Fiat has just been ousted from his leadership in the Brazilian market by Volkswagen. This data tells us that even in so-called mass market, in which to sell to are the "utility" or the C-segment, are changing their skin and are directed more and more choices to "quality". What will the Fiat because the bill did not invest a penny of their own to improve the quality of models and not talk about, to invent new?

"The usual crap: Fiat download everything on workers and thus hide his real designs," says George Cremaschi. "Nell'acquiescenza painful 'is the Executive that local authorities. "So the Fiat will be more American," he concludes.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Open Versus Closed Knee Brace?

Final Rendering - Bar Avenue, Ortona (CH)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Get Fox Chicken Get Across Poptropica

Always BAR Avenue - Ortona (CH)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Exacerbation Symptons

Friday, 17/12/2010 night I attended the meeting organized in Vicenza Fair with Nichi Vendola.

clear from the beginning that I have always sympathized with SEL for some time now.

not deny that my new enthusiasm is also due to the Secretary as having the same Vendola.

Specific these things because I want to be sincere and honest with myself and with everyone.

I do not usually write eulogies, unnecessary, let alone write about politics, I am a fan policy, an Italian citizen with voting rights, but not a professional politician (and certainly not an entrepreneur as someone paid to the policy).

Relaunch just some provocative and raise to people that I consider relevant to the topic.

not know about you, but I have a craving for the left!

And I say this every day, and I said when I started to cast my vote, though many times it was a vote "useless", or for not count.

I feel like the left, but a left new, renewed and above undertaking. New, understood as a conceptually new, beyond the stylistic features of Marxists and socialists, a sinister modern pace with the times.

left a course that maintains its ideological system because it would be a mistake to deny the "fathers" historic, but at the same time both open and close to the dynamics of the new companies.

New and culturally open to comparison with the other parties, without losing the taste for challenge, and why not, the smell under the nose of the left doc!

Renewed in the sense of a new class dirigente, formata e preparata; rinnovata nel solco dei predecessori, ma che faccia tesoro sì delle esperienze dei "saggi", ma che non tema di investire sulla formazione di nuovi giovani, nuove eccellenze, di tutte le culture, di tutti i background culturali, di tante idee anche all'apparenza diverse.

Rinnovata per dire a certi vecchi leader "grazie, farò tesoro delle tua cultura ma ora andiamo avanti NOI!" e senza rottamazioni!

Rinnovata nel solco dei nostri valori di libertà, uguaglianza, legalità..rinnovata nella lotta ai totalitarismi e a tutti i totalitarismi..e rinnovata a difesa della nostra Costituzione e di uno Stato Laico!

Partecipata , perchè ho in mente se chiudo gli occhi il quadro del Quarto Stato di Pelizza da Volpedo..una partecipazione di massa!

Partecipata per rivendicare diritti, per essere espressione di democrazia, per rispettare anche punti di divergenza.

Partecipata come quando dai primi del 900 i braccianti hanno preso coscienza di essere tanti, popolo..partecipata anche nei dibattiti e nelle scelte delle nostre comunità.

Cito qui a parte la vicenda NO DAL MOLIN: un triste esempio di non partecipazione per un iniquo progetto calato dall'alto e deciso nelle stanze dei bottoni.

Non lo so se sono un idealista, un matto o uno scemo; certo è che venerdì sera sono tornato a casa con tutte queste cose in testa!

E il bello è che in queste cose ci credo sul serio!


Alberto Pavan

Tesserato di Sinistra Ecologia Libertà

Thursday, January 27, 2011

New York State Drivers License

The adventure continues ...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

How Many Zopiclone To Overdose

BAR Avenue - Ortona (CH)

Traditional Iranian Dress

a catwalk into a decline-Silvio the martyr persecuted by the communists I and abandoned by the church

Armageddon Knight "this time winner takes all"
"I have 74 years to me is the final war. If I lose, I villas"
by Republic CLAUDIO TITO
"This for me is the final battle. It is a game with no additional recovery is not there. There is for me, I have 74 years, and for no other. If I win, I go continue until 2020. Otherwise ...". Do not you dare disturb the Armageddon, but his words are now taking an apocalyptic tone. Silvio Berlusconi considers the war against the Milan magistrates "definitive", "no revenge." At the end of which, "who takes all precedence." And in everything there is to the Quirinal, which will be renewed in the spring of 2013.
The prime minister - told his loyalists - blind every move and start to distrust almost everyone. "I see that not all I should like to defend. Many in the PDL and the League will take away. As if they wanted capire come va a finire. Solo qualcuno ci sta davvero mettendo la faccia. Ma sappiano che ai rigori vincerò io e allora mi ricorderò di quanto sta avvenendo ora". Tanti dubbi, enormi sospetti. Che ieri, ad esempio, hanno ripreso corpo durante il consiglio dei ministri. Quando il titolare dell'Economia ha illustrato ai colleghi tutte le difficoltà legate al federalismo: "È un progetto equilibrato, ma non abbiamo la maggioranza né nella commissione bicamerale né in commissione Bilancio". Frase che ha acuito le perplessità del Cavaliere soprattutto con le parole finali pronunciate da Tremonti: "Dobbiamo decidere se andare avanti o meno... ".
Del resto, nel centrodestra tutti si stanno preparando una escape. The "numbers" of the House do not offer guarantees to anyone. The specter of an executive "technical" hovers constantly at Palazzo Chigi. And also the proposal to postpone the Third Pole in June's vote on the decree for the municipal taxes has been accessed just like trying to get into a "phase" in which early polls become impossible. And the need for another government, in a crisis, it would be imperative.
"But I - feel - do not let up on anyone. Not even John. I resign only when an explicit vote of no confidence." The ghosts then multiplied after the sinking of the Pope and rap the head of state. Of which Berlusconi begins to distrust. "Too prone recently - he complained yesterday - to go along with the opposition. "One pincer, in short, tight and increasingly from which seeks to avoid. So much so that the church hierarchy with the last attempt mediation on February 11 at the reception for the anniversary of the Lateran Pacts. It is hoped that next Monday the President of the CEI Bagnasco is softer than the Secretary of State Bertone. not alone. His doubts are not just about "politics" but the whole establishment which took office in recent years. "If I go over this one, everything changes," he repeats. And his reference is to the top of the services and security, to big public authorities and Rai, the judiciary and state-controlled companies. Not by chance has already decided to take a pause for reflection, particularly in view of the spring round of appointments that will invest in many of the shares held by the Treasury. Not to mention that even the so-called "great powers" - in his opinion - seem more distant. "You have seen what he's doing the Courier?" He vented.
For this, the Knight to play all out. "It's the final battle," he repeats. The unknowns, however, are many. Starting with the weapons that the Milan prosecutors have available. A Palazzo Chigi, in fact, studying every move in the certainty that the prosecutors in Milan have not exhausted their shots. Their fear is concentrated on any other interception in which the prime minister to speak in person. "What else can go?" He asks. Just as you wonder about the tightness of the coalition. Including that of the League. For now, Umberto Bossi has made in defense of his friend Silvio. But the basis of the Carroccio quivers. Suffice it to say that the other day Radio Padania had to stop after ten minutes, the direct line to the militants: too many insults to the President of Ruby on the case.
The tactics developed at Via del Plebiscito, however, has no alternative. "Let's go forward." Without election and accepting the maximum bet. "The polls - is the mantra of the Knight - I still give a 50% rating. After all this mess I lost only 0.6%. "It takes time.'m Sure the sentence will be delayed by a return to Milan Look jurisdiction. Determined to get to vote in local elections at the end of May for the first income rationem:" I'll go down in field and give yourself a nice hit. "You ready for the new campaign posters 3x6. Bossi on federalism convinced to pursue a line of autonomy from the opposition:" In the decrees of the Committee will have a tie vote and nothing will prevent the board Ministerial vararli anyway. "All this to get to the" final battle "." If I win, I'm going to continue until 2020. Otherwise I have so many houses ... ".